If your LO attends a school associated with a religion that you don't subscribe to how big of a deal is it to you as a parent?
If your LO attends a school associated with a religion that you don't subscribe to how big of a deal is it to you as a parent?
pomelo / 5678 posts
One of the best schools here is Catholic- I am totally okay with it. We aren't school aged yet though.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
I went to Catholic school growing up and it was never an issue for my family (Buddhist). We're going to check out a Catholic school for our kids, too, in a few weeks.
pear / 1657 posts
I am jewish and DH is not religious but was raised congregationalist (very liberal christian). DS goes to a daycare in an Anglican church, it doesn't bother me as long as he is getting good care, especially since he is only 7 months and I don't think they do much religious stuff in the infant room anyway. Also, we celebrate both christian and jewish holidays at home. FWIW, we have him signed up for Jewish preschool at a synagogue when he turns 2. He'll experience a little of both worlds I guess.
We were a little put off by a daycare that had "Jesus Time" on the daily schedule.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Ours goes to a day care in a church but we are not Christian. It doesn't bother me at all.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
For me yes, one of our best high schools in our current city is Catholic, but because LO is not Catholic I would not send her there (they have mass every morning, ect. and I wouldn't want her to feel uncomfortable attending service she wasn't involved in.)
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I would be totally fine with it, I wouldn't automatically "cross it off the list" just because of religious affiliation.
pineapple / 12053 posts
As a non-denominational Christian I probably wouldn't send LO to a school that wasn't in line with our spiritual beliefs. I want to teach her about different religious practices but I wouldn't want a it to be a big part of her daily education. As it is, I see her attending public schools for most of her education unless something changes!
honeydew / 7622 posts
We are non practicing. M was raised Cathloic and I was raised Methodist. We plan on sending our child to a daycare that feeds into a preschool that feels into private Cathloic K-8. If it keeps working for us we will keep them enrolled, possibly all the way thru 8th.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
We are not particularly religious at this time, though I was raised Christian and I would categorize us both as "seekers" right now. Our daughter goes to a Baptist daycare that is very religious. I actually love it and feel really good about the spirituality that they bring into her day.
pineapple / 12566 posts
We are not religious and our daycare is not supposed to be. However, we live in a very Catholic country and some of the traditions/activities (especially around the holidays) sway more religious than I am comfortable with. I just go with it since we don't have a lot of other choices, but I would not send my child to a faith-based school of any kind.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
I would like that. Unfortunately where we live we are hard pressed to find any faith-based daycare centers. There are plenty of faith based preschools and if we could do it that way, I would probably send her to the Jewish school just so she could learn a religion that is different than ours, something I never experienced as a child.
nectarine / 2641 posts
LO goes to a Christian preschool that's more evangelical than we are (although we are Christian). I asked about it quite a bit at a tour, and they said they used Bible stories to teach themes like patience, kindness, gentleness, etc. I'm cool with that. I just didn't want them telling him he's a sinner and God's watching (the school where I worked had an after school religious program where this was the theme, and it made me super uncomfortable.) I would have trouble with it if we weren't Christian, though, it's pretty pervasive (although we did start around Christmas, so they talked about stuff quite a bit more than they probably do the rest of the year.)
pomelo / 5607 posts
I would not, unless I had absolutely no other choice. We're atheist and while we do plan to teach our kids about various religious traditions, we want it to be handled in a specific way.
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