Hellobee Boards


Do you think HB is "rich"?

  1. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @MrsCB: I don't feel like they have to justify anything. If I could afford those things, I SO would! We just can't. And it isn't anybody's fault. We are young, just graduated with our degrees a year or two ago and are really just starting out. I am happy with how far we have come for the point in our life and I don't feel like anybody else needs to justify how they got to where they are. Do I get jealous sometimes? Sure. But I also know that we are better off than others and I don't need to justify myself to them, so why should anybody else have to justify themselves to me?

  2. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: lol! Well said Kanye, well said.

  3. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    I don't really have any strong opinions on the average "wealth" of HB, but this conversation reminds me of that Wealth Inequality video going around Facebook. http://news.yahoo.com/wait--wealth-inequality-the-new-harlem-shake---214735978.html

    In watching that, I'd say that HB is most likely not "rich", since it takes a lot of money to be rich in America.

    (ugh, i'm not a fan of yahoo news, but i just did a quick google search and that was the first link i found)

  4. prettylizy

    GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts

    This is such a tricky thing especially because babyhood can be so consumer focused. We have a Britax travel system... does that make me 'rich'? We keep our clothes in 50+ year old hand me down dresser (and not in the awesome antique kind of way :T) that have peeling finish and don't look nice at all... does that make me 'poor'? I know that DH and I make pretty good money for our age bracket and area but not 4 years ago we were robbing Peter to pay Paul and I was having a meltdown at being able to afford more than ramen and hotdogs for weeks on end. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't feel ashamed that I carry a Kate Spade purse, but I'm also not ashamed that the jeans I'm wearing right now were bought at a Value Village for $7 used. I enjoy reading reviews of products regardless of the price. It's not a contest in my mind, and I feel like the more information I have the better, regardless of the type of info.

  5. KissMeCait

    apricot / 280 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: Yea, I realized after I posted that $1k really didn’t seem like very much at all for a nursery. My husband will be lucky if he gets away with anywhere in that vicinity when our time comes. I have seen some reeeeally cheap nurseries though and those people wouldn’t dream of dropping a grand to furnish their child’s room.

  6. Honeybee

    pomelo / 5178 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: Lol! Add me to the cheap m-fer list! Can we get t-shirts made up?

  7. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    @mrbee: This makes me sad. I think you and mrsbee do such a great job and I value your posts & comments!

    @MrsCB: I agree. I don't think anyone should feel bad about making a lot of money. I know that I avoid threads that discuss items that I think are way too much money because I don't identify with those kind of purchases...but I'm planning a big 1st birthday bash

  8. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Amelieisme: @PrincessBaby: yes! The age thing matters. I forgot about that.

    I'm 32 and Dh is 33...we'll both be 33 when our first LO arrives, and that means we've had 10 years to financially prepare for our first kid.

    I mean...when I was working my way through college, I had to pay everything myself (rent, gas, food, bills) and was living on $800 dollars a month, after working part time and going to school full time. There was more than 1 week that I survived on ramen noodles, white bread, and a big block of processed "cheese food". I had every crap job in the world and things didn't get financially better until my second year of teaching at 24.

    My sweet DH's parents were literally refugees from a 3rd world country that had to leave everything they owned and start over twice! And DH worked at Mcdonald's, 7-11, telemarketing, and on a nighttime cleaning crew when he was working his way through college (and even after he had his degree while job hunting).

    Heck, my family was on food stamps when I was born because my dad had been unemployed for 2 years at that point. So we both know poor.

    But waiting until we're older has helped us in the financial department. Lord, if we'd married and had kids when we were 21, I'd be a waitress at Olive Garden, and DH would be working the night shift at 7-11. That's big money right there!

  9. betsyboop

    nectarine / 2886 posts

    My general sense is middle class but I think the term middle class is relative, as people have stated above. And yes, it really depends on where you live. I knew people in Manhattan making over a million a year who felt they weren't living comfortably because real estate and private school costs there are sky high.

  10. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @MrsTiz: I think her point is, what does it matter if we're well off or not? It doesn't make being up at 3am with a teething 6 month old any easier if I make more money or don't.

  11. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @Honeybee: I definitely fell in love with you a little more when I discovered that about you!

  12. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @2PeasinaPod: That is literally the entire point of the thread. If it is something people want kept private, it is so very easy to just not comment in the thread about HB's financial status.

  13. Honeybee

    pomelo / 5178 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: Hahaha! Although, really, considering how cheap I am, I don't think our relationship would have worked if you were a big time spender... and vice versa!

  14. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    ITA with all who have noted that whether you're well-off or not totally depends on where you live. I feel like there's this perception that people who live in NYC, for example, are often wealthier than others (at least I get the sense that my friends think that) but while people here get paid more, it's also ABSURDLY expensive to live here. This article in the NY Times recently is a really interesting read. The average apartment in Manhattan costs nearly $4,000 a month. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/20/realestate/what-is-middle-class-in-manhattan.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0)

    DH and I live in a small one-bedroom apartment that costs about half of that. My cousin, on the other hand, lives in a very spacious three-level townhouse that rents for about $800 per month in Western Mass. So while the money DH and I earn may make us seem like we're well off in absolute terms, in relative terms I feel like we're in the middle.

  15. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @mewtill: thank you for sharing that link! i hadn't seen that before and found in really interesting.

  16. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @MrsSCB: great article! Finally, I have a number! To be upper class in NYC, you have to make $790,000 a year!

    That makes Dh and me relatively poor in comparison. Nah...not poor, just the middle of middle class here.

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @prettylizy: I love what you just wrote, I feel like you said better what I tried to a little earlier re: having a BOB but currently wearing 15 year old pants, lol.


  18. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Anagram: You're welcome! And yes, my DH and I are nowhere NEAR that level! It's just crazy!

    @mewtill: Thank you for sharing that video! I think inequality of wealth is a serious issue in the US and the video illustrates it really well.

  19. 2PeasinaPod

    pomelo / 5524 posts

    @MrsTiz: The thing is, it's not something I necessarily want to keep private. But I also don't want to be judged about it either. Like most said, what is "well off" to you may not be to me. It's all about perception.

  20. prettylizy

    GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts

    @Beebug: Awe thanks!! FTR, the jeans I bought at Value Village for $7 were supposed to be for a halloween costume, but they were in BETTER SHAPE than the jeans I had at home so I cut up my home jeans and replaced them with the $7 pair! lol!

  21. savanarunner

    cherry / 141 posts

    I agree, it's all about perception. Also keep in mind this is a site that solely focuses on pregnancy and children/families and most people wait to have children until they consider themselves financially stable/comfortable. This is the first time in my life I feel like I have "extra" money because we anticipated needing extra money each month to cover childcare costs.

  22. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    I think hellobee is mostly upper-middle class. As for me, I have champagne taste on a beer budget so although I like nice things, it takes a long time to save for them (like our $500 stroller). We don't put anything on credit anymore.

  23. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    << I understand, and you (and any bloggers out there) have my sympathies. No one likes to hear negative comments, especially when they're related to our parenting skills/decisions. >>

    @Freckles: Hey so back at my desk now... just to clarify, my main goal in cutting back on posting to the blog and boards is just to focus on building out the site. We've been building out gold and also adding bloggers, and now we're going to launch a newsletter... that stuff takes time, so just putting my focus there.

    As for haters, not much I can do... we just try to focus on making our users happy, and trying to take criticism as constructively as possible.

  24. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    Just to add to the chorus of people who don't think HB is rich. I think theer is a pretty good range here. I also think that everyone has different priorities and needs so it is important to bear that in mind. I have an UppaBaby Vista stroller and was more than happy to spend teh money on it. It is vital here in New York because we don't drive. It isn't exactly fun slogging through the snow and sleet on the subway either, a car would certainly be more comfy but who can afford that in addition to mortgage/rent plus cost of parking in New York? It takes an insane amount of money to be rich here.

    I think assuming that people cannot afford their lifestyle is a bit of a reach, there are just way too many factors involved. By the same token, I could look at anyone who has more than 2 kids and classify them as rich because I have no idea how anyone affords that in this day and age.

  25. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I get the impression that the majority of HB posters are "well off" based on what they announce they have. It may be they aren't well off and it was gifted, or that they are in debt up to their eyeballs, but it seems the posts that say things like "Should I get this $800 crib, or this $1000 crib" are specifically intended to flaunt how much they spend/have, even if it's not a realistic picture of their financial status.

    I know I'm probably "well off" compared to a lot of people (when you factor in cost of living/income/savings) but I choose to be frugal on my purchases (and celebrate my "screaming deals") because it helps contribute to me remaining "well off". Plus, I find it hard to justify dropping a wad of cash on baby items that will be outgrown in 2 months, spit up and pooped on. But that's my decision.

    I just dislike rampant consumerism. What does it matter how much something costs - and why post about how much you're spending? I don't see how that information contributes to the overall conversation. I see it more as an "ego boost" for the poster than anything else and don't waste my time reading or responding to those posts.

  26. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @HLK208: this this thisssssss!!! I love you haha. I am the exact same, champagne taste on a trader joes $1 beer budget bahaha. Thethings I really want, I really have to save!! It may seem like big expenditures to outsiders but I work for high quality items and remain quite frugal. The key is knowing the difference between what should be quality or not. Ie, do I think a $1,000 crib is a safer option for my child? No! They're all held to the same safety standards. My $187 crib is perfect for us! But ask me if I feel a $50 carseat is up to par with the $200 one we registered for? Yes, actually I do feel there is a difference. I loved the new "air technology" and other safety and aesthetic features on our carseat. It felt safer because the frame is so much sturdier in comparison with a cheaper seat.

    That was long winded haha sorry

  27. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: love this! It takes being frugal to remain well off it takes me being frugal to hope to one day BE well off!

  28. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: hmm. We have very different experiences on HB. Granted, I've only been here a few months, but I've never seen a post like that. Maybe I only click on all the posts about which items can be bought used, or which coupons are good on baby items now, or which sites have sales right now?

    I just checked out the gear posts and scrolled back three pages and didn't see any posts like that. Somehow I'm missing those posts! =)

  29. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    This site seems balanced to me. It doesn't seem like there are a lot of gear posts--I think the majority of blog posts are really thoughtful, well-articulated entries about others' experiences. Maybe there's more discussion like that in the forums, but I haven't been reading up much on gear.

    We're definitely scraping by (we've both started our own businesses), but we're content and know it's not forever so I don't have "the wants." Which means if someone shares info about a stroller that is more than we would spend, it doesn't ruffle my feathers. Spend a lot, spend a little....doesn't matter to me!

    The only thing that I don't get are the big birthday parties, but that's b/c birthdays were really low key in my family.

  30. LaughLines

    clementine / 880 posts

    I see a ton of posts about how to save money!
    for example: using cheap pregnancy tests first and only using the more expensive tests once you think you have a positive on the first one
    There is a running monthly deal thread
    Posts about using cloth diapering to save money
    DIY projects, etc etc

    I think if you're looking for the posts about expensive things you're going to find them here and there, but you're ALSO going to find a lot of posts about being frugal and ways to save. Everyone has their own circumstances and the beauty of a community like this is it's a group of people from all sorts of walks of life and you should be able to find some in similar situations as you and some that aren't (not just money wise, but also TTC status, # of kids, age of kids, etc).

    It would be a shame if we were ALL "wealthy" or ALL "living paycheck to paycheck" Luckily we have the ability to ignore advice that doesn't work for us and search among all the voices for stuff that does.

  31. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    Oy. I definitely was not able to read every post in all 4 pages - but I get uncomfortable when people start making assumptions/judging each other on something as superficial as baby gear! We bought an Uppababy Vista - on Craigslist for $200. We would never even have considered it otherwise! And we *never* would have gone into consumer debt for a stupid stroller. That is still a lot of money for a stroller, I realize, but my point is: don't generalize when you don't really know the situation.

    That being said - agree with @blackbird that it seems a lot of folks on here have desk jobs/professional jobs/higher education. Does that mean they are 'rich'? Absolutely not, since those people are also all likely saddled with student loan debt and might also live in cities with high cost of living. But I do think the professional cohort here is slightly higher than average, if that makes sense.

  32. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    Everyone prioritizes differently. As PPs have mentioned, just by virtue of having a specific stroller doesn't make you rich or poor.

    Given the number of members with professional degrees, I'm not surprised that incomes skew higher than the American average.

    I think in general it's difficult to draw a line and say people making over $x are rich. You never know their circumstances. Doctors making 6 figures are probably also paying 6 figure student loan debt. They are probably doing better than the average American, but I bet they don't all feel rich.

  33. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    @Anagram: I have never seen a post like that either, and I have been here for quite a long time.

    I just don't like it when people try to get me to ascribe to their ideals. For example, I have friends who prefer experience to material gifts. I prefer material gifts. Neither is better, everyone is just different. I prefer a Gucci bag to a skydiving trip, totally okay with me, and I will save 5 years for it no problem.

  34. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I personally don't think I can call people rich without seeing their bank accounts.

    Agree. Anyone can live off a credit card buying high priced stuff they can't afford. I can't really answer this to tell you the truth. I'd just say middle.

  35. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I classify HB as a rich community. We definitely have the "snobby" people who act like they are rich. I don't really pay attention to who has money or whatever since I just come here for baby advice.

    And again I don't think if people have an expensive stroller they are rich. They could have bought it used or splurged on that and scrimped on everything else. I've been thrift shopping since I was a kid and in my neighborhood it's practically frowned upon. But whether we are poor or millionaires I will always thrift shop. Im sure there are people here who even of they are poor or rich they will always splurge.

  36. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @HLK208: "I have champagne taste on a beer budget"

    Tell me about it!! I say this to DH all the time, haha.

  37. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    I hope my gear posts never came across as extravagant, 'cause we're certainly not! LO is sleeping in a Walmart crib in a room full of Ikea. We've done a few "splurges" on certain gear (jogger, travel crib) but it seems to me that just about everyone splurges on things they'll get a lot of use out of.

  38. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I think there's a pretty good mix on here. I know that, like other posters have said, income is pretty relative.
    That being said, when I post about wanting a $200+ diaper bag, its only a pipe dream. We're on the low end of middle class, but we're doing just fine.
    The dynamic certainly hasn't turned me off, though. There's a mix here, just like there is in my own group of friends.

  39. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    When I first considered the question, I thought that HB was skewed to the wealthy. But I thought about it more and I think part of the reason is that I remember posts that showcase items that I consider extravagant. I think that is because i couldn't ever imagine buying a $1000 crib (for example) so it sticks in my head. But when I really think about it, I think it's a mix. I'm sure that for every wealthy poster post (for lack of a better phrase), I've seen one on how to save money.

  40. Mrs. Sketchbook

    GOLD / nectarine / 2884 posts

    I have to admit, I am probably not active enough on the boards to really say if HB is "rich." But I'd like to say that I hope the blog offers some low-cost solutions, such as the buy/skip articles, BLW and breastfeeding, and home birth stories. I am probably low middle although in my small town we can afford to live more comfortably on less.

    @KissMeCait: if you look at our nursery it cost about 1,000 dollars, but that is because our parents bought us a crib and a glider. That was probably 60% of our budget. I would say if we had gotten those items, the whole thing could have been around 600 or 700? But cribs/mattress are already 200-300 bucks even on the low end (I just googled Walmart crib bundles and the Graco Lauren bundle is 175).

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