Just feeling frustrated because my mom is always trying to make decisions for me. Its seriously always something. Usually its because she thinks DH is inadequate, which REALLY bothers me.

She had something to say about me getting my Master's in Early Childhood Education (direct quote: "Why would you go to graduate school to be a rinky dinky preschool teacher?") Yeah, that upset me and I was literally in tears.

DH and I were sexually active before we were married. Granted we were young (17-21), but she still hasn't gotten over it. Oh and he was my first and only. She has screamed at me for HOURS at a time because there's apparently something wrong with me because no woman likes sex unless she's a whore.

When DH and I moved ONE HOUR away from her after we got married, you would have thought we moved across the country. She's still not over that one either.

Everything I do, she has to have an opinion. I don't understand...I'm a married grown adult. Why does she think that she still gets to control my every move?? A little advice here and there, that's fine. But she definitely doesn't respect the fact that people have different lives and different paths.

I see her often because my grandparents live next door to her and I want to spend as much time with them as possible because who knows how much time they have left. We just lost DH's grandmother last year and that was really tough, so I'm trying to appreciate time with my own grandparents.

The worst part? My mom thinks she is completely justified. Hopefully, none of your parents are this extreme, but do they still try to micro-manage your decisions no matter how big or small?

*Whew, I feel better now