I don't know if any doctors on this board can weigh in on this topic. I work for a company who's maternity leave is based on "doctors recommendation" and without it they only allow for 6 weeks of leave. I am not eligible for personal leave because they have a ridiculous policy that states you have to be employed 2+ years before you can take unpaid leave. I am also FMLA ineligible.
I'm not looking to scam the system and get more paid time off but I am a c-section mama who needed 8 weeks of recovery after the birth of my first baby. I want to ask my doctor her opinion on this but when I broached the subject with a former OB they told me if they wrote me a note it would be considered fraud because they felt I was ready medically to return to work.
Has anyone else requested a doctors note to prolong their maternity leave? How did you approach this?
Edit: I worked for a larger company before this pregnancy and was FMLA eligible so the length of my leave was not an issue like this time.