I will admit it, after nearly 6 months of cloth diapering, I have grown to greatly dislike it. Especially now that he is starting solids and we'll have to use the diaper sprayer. I'm really not thrilled about that. I convinced myself before I had my son that CD'ing would be no different than sposies, lol SO not the case. It takes a special kind of person to be able to do it... and I'm afraid that person is not me. I'm not 100% happy with being a SAHM as it is, and cloth diapering makes it even harder. To be a happy mama, I would like to switch.
We made a big investment into CD'ing though, and honestly my husband likes CD'ing a lot.
We are talking about what we want to do moving forward and I would love to make the switch to The Honest Company, but my husband wants to CD on the weekends when he's home.
If you CD pt do you feel it's still cost-effective?
I'm wondering if it's worth it, or if I should suck it up and just get through it.