My son attends a daycare/preschool that we're pretty happy with (after a rocky start). They have a great program that welcomes diversity (socioeconomic, kids with special needs, etc.), and I love that about it. But there doesn't seem to be much of an overarching educational philosophy. It's play-based, they read books and sing songs and have a lot of unstructured time.

I was just reading online about various other types of schools (exciting Saturday night!) like Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, etc., and now wondering if we're missing out by going to more of a run-of-the-mill sort of daycare/preschool. Or am I just making up things to worry about? I mean he's 2. I'm not too concerned about it for this year but trying to figure out if we should be looking around for next. Any preschool experts or people that have experienced these types of schools that can offer advice?