Does your LO wear Tea Collection? Why do you like the brand?
Does your LO wear Tea Collection? Why do you like the brand?
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Nope, he doesn't. I don't care for the boys clothes. But the girls stuff is cute in small doses.
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
She has a few pieces but I refuse to pay full price for anything. It's so expensive!
pomegranate / 3516 posts
I think some of it is cute but too expensive. Since I like some things though, I've bought her a dress for our family photos this year (it was actually on sale, I still wouldn't pay full price). I just can't justify the price normally when I know there's a chance she'll just ruin it.
squash / 13764 posts
Boys stuff is not my style. The girls stuff is cute but also not really my style, although I like some individual pieces.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I'm not in love with any of the stuff I've seen so far but I hear people rave about the brand.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
I didn't even know about it until I saw it on these boards. Some of the stuff is cute but waaaayyy too $$$ for my liking !
pomelo / 5326 posts
I like a lot of the girls clothing but it's so pricey. We only have one outfit, and it's probably my fav outfit, but I wouldn't buy their stuff regularly.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts
I only have one dress of theirs (that I bought off the Classifieds here) but I really like them! I know they aren't in our regular budget so getting to try them out like this is wonderful. I like that they're super super soft, the colors are vibrant even though this one was bought and worn before it looks brand new! And the designs that I've seen other HB babies wear are very appealing to me. But I patterns and bright, vibrant, and deep colors
nectarine / 2358 posts
Some is cute but for the most part I'm not thrilled. I've heard it's quality stuff but I prefer other brands in terms of style.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
No, not my style. Plus way too expensive. If I'm going to spend that kinda money I'd much rather shop at Mini Boden.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Only the stuff I find at Goodwill. I can't afford it anyways lol.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
It's just not my taste.
@lawbee11: I agree. If I'm going to spend a little money, it's going to be on Mini Boden, Zara, Deux Par Deux, etc.
honeydew / 7916 posts
A few things but I really struggle to find anything from the boys stuff that I like and would pay that much for, even on sale.
eggplant / 11824 posts
She wears some - we have some plain cotton pants and she has a couple of dresses. Most of their clothes are not my taste, and I don't find the quality to be very good either. They don't seem especially well made; just soft cotton pieces. I mean, they are not poorly made for sure, but meh, it's definitely not a go-to brand for me and if I want something that's really well made (like for a special occasion) I'd look elsewhere.
honeydew / 7091 posts
No, we're still operating mostly on hand-me-downs, and I'm too cheap to buy it myself.
I do like most of the stuff though!
I think the big appeal is the ethics of the company? I could be wrong, but I think that's what I've heard.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Nope. For taht kind of money I would want something way more stylish.
persimmon / 1447 posts
No, it's too expensive. I actually really like style, but I can't justify spending that on clothes she'll grow out of in less than a year.
I would spend that money on clothes for DS, because he stays in the same size longer, but they are not his style at all.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Nope don't really like their style. Their boy stuff especially is lacking in appeal.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
No. Some of their stuff is cute, and I think it holds up really well, but it's generally not what I am looking for. Maybe as she gets older, as I think their stuff is cuter/works better for older toddlers than for babies.
honeydew / 7589 posts
Yep, she wears lots of Tea. I buy it all used on the Facebook swap groups or during the Memorial Day sale when all the dresses are $15. I think that's quite reasonable for the quality you get.
I like it because it's very soft and 100% cotton, holds up very well, is produced ethically, and has a good resale value after she outgrows it. And I love the vibrant colors and patterns!
(If you buy used or on sale. you can usually resell it after LO outgrows it for pretty much what you paid for it!)
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I have a few pieces that I received as gifts for LO 1. Good quality clothing but I don't like the prints/styles for young babies/toddlers.
pomegranate / 3890 posts
Nope, way to expensive and feel like I can fund similar style clothing for way cheaper, I hate paying for the name of something.... I dknt like their boy. Selection and the two hand me down shirts we got did not hold up well at all,!
watermelon / 14467 posts
Some of it is cute, but like others have said, it's pretty pricey. H has two dresses and a sleeper, but I bought all of it either on sale or in the classifieds here.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@littlek: I bought 3 dresses on sale and gave away 2 as gifts because honestly, I wasn't that pleased with them in person. I mean, they are fine but not "special" at all. Maybe it was just the particular dresses I got, but the cotton was kind of like t-shirt material and not that nice. The other dress is still unworn with tags, so I may end up regifting that one as well.
I ordered a Mini Boden dress at the same time that is a heavier cotton, so to me it seems nicer. But I don't like any of the current Mini Boden line--it all looks Carter's-esque to me- very bright, toddler clothing which I can find anywhere at a much lower price point.
Honestly, I mostly shop at Target and Old Navy for LO and she wears gifts people get her, but the couple of times I've bought something kind of nice, I've preferred Janie and Jack.
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
Yes! I like that it's quality material but still resembles playclothes. I cannot spend my time ironing and hang-drying clothes unless it's for a really special occasion. I never buy it full price and I have resold everything pretty much at the price I bought it at.. so can't really complain there!
During their crazy semi-annual sales with free shipping, I stock up for that season, usually 2 full outfits per kid. I like for them to wear these outfits on the weekends since all they wear all week is daycare clothes, which are always either hand-me-downs or carter's basics, and get totally destroyed!
honeydew / 7589 posts
@mrs. wagon: Yessss on the no ironing! Love that. Everything feels like pajamas. So cuddly.
nectarine / 2180 posts
I personally really like it. Like @Mrs. Wagon said, it's good quality, but still comfortable enough for playclothes. This past fall I bought more pieces from Target and Old Navy for LO to wear to preschool and I was so disappointed that most of the clothes pilled very quickly, or in the case of leggings, ended up with holes after just a couple of wears. I ended up feeling like I should have just let her wear more expensive stuff that I wouldn't have to throw out.
I do only buy it on sale and we have gotten a couple of dresses as gifts. I haven't resold mine, because I'm keeping it for DD #2 to wear...and all of it is still in good condition for her to wear again.
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