So the current debate in my house is about DS having a baby doll. My BIL/SIL are expecting shortly, and I thought it would be neat for DS to have his own baby to take care of. He's almost 20 months old, and when we were at the library and he saw a doll there, he rushed over, picked it up, held it, kissed, it, etc... It was so cute. It would be fun for him to have a baby to feed and such, as he learns to be a big cousin to his soon-to-arrive little cousin.

But DH (and everyone in my husband's except my SIL) don't think DS should have a doll. DH says he can have a teddy bear or a GI Joe, but not a baby doll. I don't see the big deal? Aren't we to the point where being an involved dad is seen as a good thing? I know DH is very involved and active in raising and caring for DS, so why wouldn't we show DS that same thing. It's not going to stop him from loving tractors and trains and trucks, or make him not want to play basketball. And why is it okay for him to help cook, but not have a doll?

I don't get it. But I do have a plain doll with a bottle on the way to our house for Christmas for DS. I think once it's here, DH will realize it's not a big deal.

Thoughts? Any similar opinions among your friends/family?