My daughter is about to turn 3 and asked for a doll stroller for her birthday. Well, she specifically asked for a Spiderman doll stroller. That doesn't exist, so I bought some Spiderman fabric patches which I will affix to a cheap doll stroller.
Here's my question. She is on the tall side for her age. Over 3 feet. Would she be able to play with and push around one of those cheap umbrella strollers? Like the Cosco brand they sell at Target/Walmart, etc.?
If not, I will get her one of the small, cheap baby doll strollers they have at the big box stores. She already has one like that but it's starting to break which is why she wanted a replacement in the first place.
But help! I am curious if anyone's preschool age kids are able to play with a regular sized umbrella stroller easily.