LO is currently 3 months old, and I've been back at work for about a month now. I pump 3x a day (9:30, 12:30, and 3:30), each time for about 15-20 mins (lunchtime is longer, about 30). My supply stinks. I started off getting 8-10oz a day (which was fine, because I could pump in the AM before work and finish up what she needed for daycare).
Now though, I'm getting about 7oz max a day, and my AM pump gets me 2-3. I need 14 to cover what she eats, and so I've started supplementing with formula.
My question is, if you had supply issues, when did you give up on pumping sessions? My third pump of the day only nets me about 1, *maybe* 2 oz total. I've been tempted to drop down to 2 and space them out, but I don't know.
This blows, and I'm irritated that it's not working, because I love to nurse her, but I just can't keep up. I'd love some advice on how to space out my pumps, or if it's worth it to keep doing 3.