Hi folks! I have been away a long time, but I am posting to find out more from those of you who have weaned your toddlers off the bottle. My little one is almost 16 months and still taking 20-24 oz of milk a day (four 5-6 oz bottles). She eats fine, three meals a day and a couple of snacks, with varying degrees of consistency in her volume of food (as I am sure is typical). Sometimes she'll drop one of the daytime bottles, but not always. I'm also not with her during the day (she's in daycare) so it's hard for me to know for sure what she's drinking there, though I have told them no more than 12 oz a day total. Anyway - I know we were probably supposed to have already weaned her from the bottle, but she loves her milk! She is definitely used to getting a 6 oz bottle when she wakes and another near bedtime. So far she has refused milk in a sippy cup at home and at daycare, and shows no sign of wanting to ditch the bottle. Help - how did you guys do it?