Ok, so another question from a momma with a lo who is in the crazy 4 month sleep regression! My lo is 4.5 months and I thought that I was finally starting to get her sleep down but alas she's thrown me another curve ball. So, she has been consistently waking up between 6:30-6:45am. yesterday was a pretty typical day and she napped at 7:30 until 9:00 then from 11:15 til almost 1 then from 2:45-3:55. So at that point I figured an early bedtime around 6 was best. We started her bedtime routine around 5:15 and she was asleep without a problem at around 6:10. But then she woke up 15 minutes later and fought me to go back down. I got her back down and she woke up 10 minutes later, this time fought me a ton trying to get her back down. I finally stopped trying to get her to go to sleep after trying for 45 minutes and she came downstairs with me to finish dinner. She was super pleasant until around 7:45 then got fussy. I took her back to her crib and she was asleep by 8 and stayed asleep. So this has kind of been the norm, that I try to put her down early and she doesn't fall asleep until 8-8:30. I know this is kind of late especially when her last nap ends between 4-4:30. Plus she always wakes up at 6:30-6:45 am, so it doesnt seem long enoughnto me when she goes to bed closer to 8:30, and has 1-2 nighttime wake-ups. So I guess my question is should I just let her add in another nap and then make bedtime closer to 8? Any advice bees?