I am trying to get LO (7 weeks) on a 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm schedule during the day. She does a lot better when her day has a routine. We already do EASY but without set times, which meant bedtime is drastically different every night. I'm hoping with a more structured schedule, her nightly wakeups will be more predictable.

My question is, how do you work your life around a strict schedule? For example, I have something to do tonight at 7pm. If I feed her at home at 6pm, we'll be late. Do I back it up to 530? Then do I back everything up by 30 minutes or leave it the same?

I know some of you will just say, oh, don't worry about it, follow baby's cues, but LO really thrives on a schedule so I'd like advice on how to keep to it!