My doctor and I are starting to think I have endometriosis and I have an appointment to meet with her after this cycle is over to start trying to figure out what is going on. We are TTC so obviously I am hoping to fix the problem and get pregnant as quickly as possible. Of course having such a big diagnosis hanging over my head is causing a lot of anxiety though and I was hoping maybe someone here could help with a few of my questions.
Laparoscopy is the only way to diagnose, if they go in and find nothing is the surgery still a pretty big deal? It seems like people are taking a few days off work and are on major medications. I am a nanny so I feel badly taking off but it also seems like lifting and dealing with tantrums or what have you might be really hard even a few days out.
Did you see your gynecologist or a re? Do you recommend one over the other?
Did you have an hsg? In my mind an hsg and maybe clomid or femara right after would be a good alternative to a lap?
Did/Do you chart? I found an abstract yesterday saying that but in women with endo stays high during menses which is true for me. Did you notice this? Did you spot before your period or have a short luteal phase?
Did you have a family history? My grandmother had endo and one aunt has unexplained infertility and never had a live birth.
Anything I can pay attention to or notes I can make over the next few weeks that might help my doctor?
Thanks for your help, this is so overwhelming and there is just such a crazy range of experiences and symptoms online-it makes it hard to sort through.