nectarine / 2180 posts
@MamaG: Lol. I think my girl saves up all of her words for when she's supposed to be going to bed. Then she wants to talk my ear off!
@T.H.O.U.: Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. I think that getting notes like that would be really frustrating! It seems like there should either be more detail or she just shouldn't send them.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@MamaG: ha! Definitely sounds like my son. My daughter isn't much of a talker yet, but I suspect big brother does all the talking for her.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Pancakes: Thanks! We haven't had a note now for almost 3 weeks! I think its been like 11 school days straight since spring break.
pomelo / 5866 posts
@mamag: When LO and I were walking yesterday, she said- I just want to talk awhile, ok? Just talk about whatever, ok?
I guess she hadn't gotten in enough words for the day yet. Fine by me- I love to hear her voice!!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Did we talk bedtimes before? I think we son is punishing me for writing that he goes to bed at 730. I think he's able to stay awake until at least 8 now, he's not falling asleep within minutes of being in bed like he used to.
squash / 13208 posts
@looch: We start bedtime at 7pm with lights out at 7:30
DD could probably stay up later but the few days this past week we had warm weather and played outside after school she was super tired. So I am keeping it this way for now.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Does anyone know how to use these?
Also, I don't remember if we ever talked about Osmo before in this thread, but we have it and my son adores the drawing add on we got him for Christmas. I am thinking of getting him the Pizza add on to learn fractions.
squash / 13208 posts
@looch: A friend suggested the wraps to me for my 2nd grader to help with multiplication - we haven't gotten them yet but her DD really liked them! If you get the answers right you can see the lines match up on the back.
Fractions? Wow! My 2nd grader is just now doing those. Your curriculum is fast paced!!
squash / 13208 posts
We just got confirmation the last day of school is June 13th. How about everyone else?
Her teacher is going to put together a work book for the summer to prevent that "summer slide"
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@Mamaof2: For later on, I like to have stuff on hand!
The Osmo game also does money and counting, but he's interested in the concept of half versus whole, so I figured this might be a good option to try and introduce it.
As for the wraps, I can't figure out what you do, but maybe I'll get the addition and subtraction son seems to understand addition just fine, but isn't quite there with the concept of "taking away" and I have no idea if these will confuse him? They're not ridiculously expensive, though.
Our last day of school is June 21, we had three snow days to account for. I totally hear you on the summer slide, I am trying to get my son to read for 10 minutes a day and it's a struggle! That's why I rely heavily on manipulatives and board games for him, if it looks or smells like a worksheet, he's not interested.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@looch: I really wanted to get Osmo for Christmas but decided to wait one more year. I'm glad to hear its a hit.
We got the Usborne Math Learning Palette that she will use over summer. My sister is a math teacher and will watch her for 5 weeks. So hopefully she gets lots of practice!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@T.H.O.U.: It's great. We have the coding, numbers and tanagrams in addition to the drawing extension (which is really just a white board). I am a sucker for these kinds of kits, though. I love hands on learning.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@Mamaof2: It seems like you just wrap around then? I really need to have one in hand and see what my son does with it, but I admit, I am really intrigued by them.
pomelo / 5298 posts
We are in the home stretch to the school year. Our last day of school is May 24. Monday will begin their final marking period. Monday also starts their final reading assessments for the year. Our calendar is quickly filling up with all of the end of year activities.
We also received confirmation that LO was accepted into the Spanish Immersion program beginning next year. It goes from 1st - 6th grades. I'm anxious and excited for her.
I had not heard of the wraps before, but I'll probably order them for a summer activity.
We are fortunate in that LO LOVES to read, so getting our 15-20 minutes of reading in each day isn't a problem. Our school district and city also sponsor a summer reading program that kicks off on May 1. We did it last year and will do it again. The kids earn prizes as they hit time milestones in reading.
I'm not looking forward to double daycare expense for the summer
squash / 13208 posts
@tlynne: @MamaG: wow - May! So do you go back mid-august then?
@MamaG: great news that she got into the Spanish emersion program
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
We are also closing in on the end of the year - May 23. I'm worried about the "summer slide" as well, particularly since we will be moving out of state and this summer looks to be a little bit crazypants -- lots of unknowns right now. Hoping his teacher can give me some suggestions. I know it will be a fight to keep him reading/writing regularly.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@Mamaof2: we go until June 30th. Right now my son is in his last break period before the end of the year. It feels like we still have a long way to go.
@MamaG: congrats on the Spanish immersion! It's so fascinating to watch kids pick up another language.
apricot / 317 posts
@Mamaof2: No, unfortunately we go back the last week of July . We do get a week off about every six weeks, though.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@Mamaof2: We go back on August 23. Our school calendar next year is a little wonky in my opinion, and I really don't like it.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Bumping's everyone doing, anything new to report or discuss?
We're already getting ready for next year in our school, we're doing an orientation event for parents and incoming kindergarteners next week!
squash / 13208 posts
We are moving along over here!
DD is doing fantastic academically but still having issues focusing and paying attention in class. We had her well visit so I mentioned ADD to the Ped and they want me to sit tight for now and see how 1st grade goes - especially since she is doing well in school.
pomelo / 5298 posts
We just got the robo call for Kinder roundup as well. We won't be participating (I'm not on the PTA board).
We have 4 weeks left of school. They are doing final reading assessments now and it looks like we have about 4 more events to get through.
pomelo / 5866 posts
Kindergarten just gave us an awesome resource for dancing, music and exercise videos. Go Noodle. It looks free. LO was dancing all afternoon with the neighbor kids yesterday. E is totally into engineering/building this year (but I don't think it is her strength -still encouraging her though) so we have a free trial with It is over her head but it is fun and can keep us all busy in the summer if we continue. Also she is on a safe, social media-like app for kids called Kudos.
pineapple / 12566 posts
This was the first week back after a 2 week break. We still have 2 more months of school, so the end seems far away. But there are a few long weekends before the end of the year, so that should help break things up. My son has been steadily improving in reading (he's getting faster) and the reading homework since he got back from break has been longer and more challenging.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@808love: We watch go noodle on youtube. It's what they use in PE occasionally and for indoor recess.
apricot / 317 posts
@Mamaof2: Sort of, yes. They call it "balanced calendar." Our total summer break is about 6 weeks.
apricot / 317 posts
21 school days to go!! Other than some issues with friends, DS is READY! We've already discussed a day camp or two (each a week long, 3 hours a day). We're getting geared up for field day and year end celebrations.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
We are getting ready to plan one last field trip to the IMAX and a water day celebration and pizza party for the end of the year! They finish school at Memorial Day!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I just got a permission slip yesterday for a field trip in 2 son loves them, I have to say. Something about riding the bus just gives him a thrill.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
We still have two months left here. I'm still half dealing with the whole "too many girls in the class" thing. I found out it was the superintendent that pressured the principal to "even out the classes". So dumb and some of the other parents are also up in arms about it but it's slow moving getting information because people are very concerned about being PC. My main concern is seeing how/what we can do for next year. Also possibly (reluctantly) scoping out other schools.
Other than that, happy for spring weather finally!
pomelo / 5298 posts
Yall I'm having a parent struggle. There is a mom that won't leave us alone. She comes to the school every day for lunch with her child. I try to go periodically to have lunch with mine. Last time I went, there were some issues that day that I had already been called about. So I was very purposeful in my lunch. I sat with my child in an area where no one else was. We were in a meaningful conversation about what happened that day. This mom and child came to sit at our table with us. There were 4 other tables around us that were completely empty. They didn't ask, we didn't invite. They interrupted our conversation with plans for a play date.
I've already turned them down with an explanation. The mom doesn't work, she wants to pick my child up from the school and transport to their house, have play date and I can pick up later. I told her that I wasn't comfortable with this arrangement. We don't know this family other than exchanging pleasantries when I visit my kid for lunch. In my mind I'd be allowing a stranger to pick up my kid and take them to their house. I suggested a weekend playdate, she wasn't interested as it interferes with her family plans. Sorry, clearly our kids just can't have playdates was my thought.
Fast forward to yesterday, there was an evening event for Dads and students. My DH couldn't make it in time to pick up from our aftercare and just stay for the event. I picked up our kid, went and got kid #2 from daycare, and then we met up and I dropped kid #1 with DH for the event. This mom was there again, waiting for me when I was picking my kid up from the aftercare program. She followed us to our car, her kid climbed in my car and proceeded to run on again about a playdate. All while I'm trying to calm my kid because she's upset and thinks she isn't going to the event with her Dad.
I just can't deal with this family anymore. I feel like they have no boundaries and haven't picked up on my direct declines for a playdate. We only have four more weeks of school to get through but I just want them to leave us alone.
This family also seems to be more loose with acceptable behaviors than we are which adds to the dynamic.
I was contemplating lunch with my kiddo again today, but I know this woman will be there and I just can't deal. I hate feeling like this. I want to wave my magic wand, and poof make them leave us alone.
pomelo / 5866 posts
I would just keep ignoring because I am generally non confrontational. She sounds lonely and you can probably guess why.
squash / 13208 posts
@MamaG: oh man! I don't have much advice because I would probably just keep hoping they picked up on the hint!
I wonder if the school psychologist or guidance counselor could offer advice?
squash / 13208 posts
@MamaG: side topic- wow, are parents allowed to eat lunch at the school any time they want? Is this public? I have never heard of that - the cafeteria is already packed with kids, can't imagine adding in parents
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