After seeing a post on here about how frozen BM takes on a gross flavor, I decided to try some last night. Typically, I pump at work for the next day's feedings, but occasionally I need to grab 2-5oz from my freezer stash to get to 20oz.. So anyways, I tasted some, and HOLY GOODNESS it was gross. It tasted like soap. I know it wasnt soap residue, so Im guessing its the lipase. A quick Google search said that 1-its fine to feed the baby, and 2-to prevent this you should scald the milk prior to freezing it. Once its frozen, there is nothing you can do about the taste.

1-Does anyone have experience with scalding it? Can I scald it after its been refrigerated all day while Im at work?

2-What causes excess lipase? Liv doesnt seem to mind the taste, but I CRINGED this morning when the nanny gave her that bottle. I mixed some fresh BM with it to mask the flavor, but I still felt guilty.

3-When I use my expressed milk, I use the newest milk first at the advice of my pediatrician (if you want to know why, ask and Ill post in teh comments.) This particular bag was from the beginning of october bc it was my only bag under 5oz. So does the flavor get worse with time?

Im thinking Ill call my LC, just curious what you guys here have experience with.

Thanks much! xo