Breastfeeding still isn't going well. She has tongue and lip ties (hoping to get those fixed asap), and still is just a super sleepy eater. She falls asleep at the bottle, so she really doesn't stay awake for the boob, if she even manages to latch well enough. And she gets frustrated with it. I met with an IBCLC, and she was awesome and I came away feeling really hopeful, but today it just seems like it will never happen. She said with everything she's having us do, it will probably be 4-6 weeks before we really get it going well, so I know I shouldn't be feeling down about it after 4 days, but it's hard. I may also be deflecting and focusing on being upset about this, because today would have been R's first birthday and I haven't given that a lot of time today. I don't know, just needing some encouragement I guess.
(And please don't tell me not to beat myself up, etc, and that it's okay if we have to do formula or EP. I know it's not my fault, and I'm not blaming myself. But I will be devastated if I wind up unable to nurse my only child.)