apricot / 431 posts
Allright, let's go!!!
Cycle day: 1
Cycle #: 5
Ovulation & POAS dates: 7/3 and 7/20 (I'm going to try to wait POAS'ing until I'm off work and right before we leave on holiday)
Baby #: 2
Your game plan this month: digital opk's all the way, BD every day during fertile week, try to get as much sleep and as little stress as possible! I was thinking I might start temping again but I haven't decided yet. If I remember to do so tomorrow morning, I will.
Chart link: n/a
Let's make some babies!!!
apricot / 431 posts
I noticed some of you are taking extra Zinc, now I'm curious how it can help with conceiving? I'm only taking folic acid now, but I'm going to ad magnesium & vitamin B complex because I've been so tired and stressed. Should I add zinc as well?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I'm not sure what's going on with my body but I want to be in. Af hasn't come yet but hopefully soon and then my POAS should be around 7/25.
Good luck everyone!!!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@angelachase: It varies by the person, I used them for the first time last cycle and I got 3 days of blinking smilies before the solid smily. I stopped testing after the first solid. You should be O'ing soon though!
nectarine / 2465 posts
July POAS Roll-Call:
Mamas to Bee:
7/1 -
7/2 -
7/3 - hellobeeboston
7/4 - MaryM
7/5 -
7/6 - sheskrafty
7/7 - angelachase, MrsMccarthy
7/8 -
7/9 -
7/10 -
7/11 -
7/12 - KelLeeLeee
7/13 -
7/14 - MrsStar
7/15 -
7/16 -
7/17 -
7/18 -
7/19 -
7/20 - mrsvdv
7/21 -
7/22 -
7/23 -
7/24 - GreenThumb
7/25 - anonysquire
7/26 -
7/27 -
7/28 -
7/29 -
7/30 -
7/31 -
TBD: Tam, sunset640
Cheerleaders yellowbird, BakerBee, Tidybee
pear / 1986 posts
@hellobeeboston: @googly-eyes: @MrsMccarthy: @KelLeeLeee: Thank you so much!!
@MrsMccarthy: I hope your stay is short too!!
And thank you to the cheerleaders, too!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I get a little overwhelmed with the POAS threads, but I'm going to try to keep up for July month! I'm not officially out this month yet, but started spotting today, so I'm most likely out.
I'll update when I actually start AF, but for now, here is my chart
Chart link: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/42fd32
nectarine / 2465 posts
@LAZB: Not that I don't want to talk to you more or anything, but I hope you don't have to join us
pea / 20 posts
@KelLeeLeee Thanks for starting this up!
I'm CD1, cycle #2, baby #1. Likely O date around 6/29-7/01 (while I'm in the Pyrenees, yeah! ), and attempting to wait to POAS until at least 12DPO. Attempting being the key word there.
I'll be temping/charting CM as usual plus trying out OPKs for the first time this go-round.
apricot / 468 posts
Hi ladies! Jumping in on this thread, as we try for baby #2!
Cycle day: 2
Cycle #: 1
Ovulation & POAS dates: O - around 7/1; POAS - around 7/14
Baby #: 2
Your game plan this month: Trying to be more relaxed this time around (it took us 11 months to conceive LO), cut out caffeine, daily workouts, increase water consumption, taking RRL, and paying close attention for signs of O (not charting yet).
apricot / 278 posts
Hi everyone…I'm joining!
Cycle day: 16
Cycle #: lucky 7
Ovulation & POAS dates: I think O will be today/tmw CD 16/17 and POAS will be July 3!
Baby #: 1
Your game plan this month: BD EOD the entire cycle!, taking prenatals, B6, using pre-seed every once in a while, meditation app at bedtime for relaxation, trying to stay busy to not obsess!
Chart link: I use kindara app and have no idea how to get it as a link but here's a picture of it.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
Good luck this (next) month, everyone!
Cycle day: 3
Cycle #: 2
Ovulation & POAS dates: Ovulation... let's say 6/29. POAS... 7/13
Baby #: 2 (LO is 24 months)
Your game plan this month: Continue to use digital OPKs, watch alcohol intake, use Conceive Plus.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@onthemove: Just saw on the other board that you were "out" for June. Good luck for July!
nectarine / 2465 posts
July POAS Roll-Call:
Mamas to Bee:
7/1 -
7/2 -
7/3 - hellobeeboston, nicolechris11212
7/4 - MaryM
7/5 -
7/6 - sheskrafty
7/7 - angelachase, MrsMccarthy
7/8 -
7/9 -
7/10 -
7/11 -
7/12 - KelLeeLeee
7/13 - onthemove, meredithNYC
7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08
7/15 -
7/16 -
7/17 -
7/18 -
7/19 -
7/20 - mrsvdv
7/21 -
7/22 -
7/23 -
7/24 - GreenThumb
7/25 - anonysquire
7/26 -
7/27 -
7/28 -
7/29 -
7/30 -
7/31 -
TBD: Tam, sunset640, LAZB
Cheerleaders yellowbird, BakerBee, Tidybee
nectarine / 2465 posts
It's been kind of a crappy month for BFPs in June, so hopefully we see a lot of luck this month!! Good luck to everyone
@onthemove: The Pyrenees? That sounds amazing!! I'd say that's about a good time to bd as any okay if I put you for the 13th?
pomelo / 5129 posts
So, I'm not sure how well this month will go since I'm now on steroids. Stupid allergies. But I feel like my ears are going to explode!
I did pick up soft cups to use when I do get the sexy smiley. I'm just afraid the meds will mess with my hormones since I haven't had an lh surge yet.
nectarine / 2262 posts
I'm in.
Cycle: #3
Baby: #1
My cycles have been super long and messed up so I am not sure my O or POAS date. To be announced! LOL. My cycles have been getting shorter (cycle 1 was 52 days, cycle 2 was 44 days), so I am hoping as they get closer to normal, I will get success with a BFP.
cherry / 203 posts
Yay! Super excited for the July board!! I'm still trying to figure out my o date so I'm TBD right now - Good luck ladies!!! Hard to believe its July already!!
cherry / 107 posts
@KelLeeLeee: can you move me to July 11 for a POAS date. I just bought my thermometer on amazon along with my opk strips so i think im set for July!
coconut / 8854 posts
Alright I'm 1/2 jumping in here this month!!! This is my first time joining in!
I'm on CD4 right now, I have no idea when or if I'm O'ing so I guess I really don't have a POAS date. But I'm just excited! I plan on BD'ing a ton once my period ends.
This will be cycle #2 of TTC!
coconut / 8854 posts
This will be Baby #1 for us, and I forgot to include my chart link. I've been bad at charting, but I'm really going to try and stay consistent this cycle!
honeydew / 7303 posts
Woohoo! I'm so excited for everyone. I'm tracking my cycle closely this cycle to start trying next month. I used wondfo OPKs last month, but I'm thinking of confirming with a digital this month.
Question: if I get the clear blue digital opks can I use them ONLY when I get a positive or almost positive wondfo to confirm or do you have to use them all cycle long?
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Ok Im in!
Cycle #3
Baby #2
O somewhere around 7/2 or 7/3 and will probably start testing around 7/14?
Game plan is opks leftover from last month (clear blue digis) and trying to relax which I'm not particularly good at in general!
Feeling really excited about this month!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@MaryM: Did you find out from your Dr if the Prednisone will mess anything up?
@yellowbird: I *think* it is okay to use them near O only, I think the advanced clear blue stores your info, but the regular will just read your surge
nectarine / 2465 posts
July POAS Roll-Call:
Mamas to Bee:
7/1 -
7/2 -
7/3 - hellobeeboston, nicolechris11212
7/4 - MaryM
7/5 -
7/6 - sheskrafty
7/7 - angelachase, MrsMccarthy
7/8 -
7/9 -
7/10 -
7/11 - sunset840
7/12 - KelLeeLeee
7/13 - onthemove, meredithNYC
7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08, googly-eyes
7/15 -
7/16 -
7/17 -
7/18 -
7/19 -
7/20 - mrsvdv
7/21 -
7/22 -
7/23 -
7/24 - GreenThumb
7/25 - anonysquire
7/26 -
7/27 -
7/28 -
7/29 -
7/30 -
7/31 -
TBD: Tam, LAZB, MrsADS, Annette, MrsBrewer
Cheerleaders yellowbird, BakerBee, Tidybee, littlek
pomelo / 5129 posts
@yellowbird: you want the non-advance ones for that purpose, but yeah. CBE makes a kind you can use once or twice
@KelLeeLeee: the doc said it may delay O, but won't necessarily. So I guess we just wait and see. My opk yesterday was darker (but not positive) so I should know soon
But I also realized I've gotten internal u/s twice now right before O. And I'm going to guess that lube is not sperm friendly. So I'm even less hopeful for this month. I don't think I'll be super pushing a ton of BDing. Especially since I've been sick. If it happens it happens. If not, oh well.
I was at the doc for ovarian cysts. Like my last follow up, the cyst they saw then is gone, but now I have a pretty large one on the other side. But since they keep alternating, he thinks it's probably just my "normal." I have over achieving follicles. Or should they be ovary-achieving? (Seriously, why does dh not find me funny??)
pea / 20 posts
@KelLeeLeee 13th is good, thanks! I'm hoping our trip to the mountains will be a good combination of mountain biking and BD'ing.
I'll try to figure out how to include my chart tomorrow.
Hello everyone else! Happy Friday!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@KelLeeLeee: It has been crappy in June. I'm hoping July can be like May! May was super lucky with bfps!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Alright I'm in:
Cycle day: Day 1
Cycle #: 2
Ovulation & POAS dates: Ovulation is June 25-28th, POS July 13th
Baby #: 2 LO is 20 months
Your game plan this month: First time using OPT, BD EOD during window, prenatals, and maybe get some preeseed, never used it?
Good Luck Ladies
apricot / 306 posts
I'm on day 4 of flashing smileys with the Clearblue OPKs! My body is taking its time thinking about when to ovulate, I guess.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@angelachase: I think 4 days is pretty normal, should be just around the corner
nectarine / 2465 posts
Lots of testers in the middle of the month!
July POAS Roll-Call:
Mamas to Bee:
7/1 -
7/2 -
7/3 - hellobeeboston, nicolechris11212
7/4 - MaryM
7/5 -
7/6 - sheskrafty
7/7 - angelachase, MrsMccarthy
7/8 -
7/9 -
7/10 -
7/11 - sunset840
7/12 - KelLeeLeee
7/13 - onthemove, meredithNYC, LuLu Mom
7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08, googly-eyes
7/15 -
7/16 -
7/17 -
7/18 -
7/19 -
7/20 - mrsvdv
7/21 -
7/22 -
7/23 -
7/24 - GreenThumb
7/25 - anonysquire
7/26 -
7/27 -
7/28 -
7/29 -
7/30 -
7/31 -
TBD: Tam, LAZB, MrsADS, Annette, MrsBrewer
Cheerleaders yellowbird, BakerBee, Tidybee, littlek
apricot / 306 posts
I got the solid smiley today! My husband literally does not know what that means.....I showed him the stick and said "guess what!" He doesn't really understand the difference between an OPK and a pregnancy test so he was like "oh my god, it worked?!?! You're pregnant?!?!" No, it means we're about to do it for three straight days! "Oh, that's cool too then!"
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I'm a cheerleader this month as I got the green light to start trying next month. I have a 15 month old now and I've been charting. My cycle came back nine months PP and was pretty regular but then got all crazy after I weaned in March. I've had a long, a normal and a SUPER short cycle since then. My last was 21 days with a 9 day luteal so I'm taking B complex to try to lengthen it. Never had this problem when TTC for #1. I'm guessing it's due to breast-feeding hormones normalizing now. Very excited for everyone TTC this month! Looking for lots of BFP's!!!
nectarine / 2465 posts
July POAS Roll-Call:
Mamas to Bee:
7/1 -
7/2 -
7/3 - hellobeeboston, nicolechris11212
7/4 - MaryM
7/5 -
7/6 - sheskrafty
7/7 - angelachase, MrsMccarthy
7/8 -
7/9 -
7/10 -
7/11 - sunset840
7/12 - KelLeeLeee
7/13 - onthemove, meredithNYC, LuLu Mom
7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08, googly-eyes
7/15 -
7/16 -
7/17 -
7/18 -
7/19 -
7/20 - mrsvdv
7/21 -
7/22 -
7/23 -
7/24 - GreenThumb
7/25 - anonysquire
7/26 -
7/27 -
7/28 -
7/29 -
7/30 -
7/31 -
TBD: Tam, LAZB, MrsADS, Annette, MrsBrewer
Cheerleaders yellowbird, BakerBee, Tidybee, littlek, LovelyPlum, travellingbee
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