Hi Bees,
I haven't been too active lately since I got the news that I am most likely not ovulating on my own (suspected PCOS) from my family doctor. He referred me to an OB in the area who specializes in infertility and I have my appointment today! I met with my doctor on Dec. 4... so it's moving along pretty fast which I'm happy about.
I am nervous for today though, I'm assuming he will ask a brief history, and tell us (DH and I) what will be happening in the upcoming weeks. My GP mentioned I would most likely be taking femara or clomid, but I'm not entirely sure what to expect.
I'm overweight, and I'm afraid he's going to tell me, 'it's all your fault you can't have a baby, you're overweight and won't get pregnant until you go on a diet'. I know that's irrational, but that's where a lot of my nerves are coming from.
Anywho, sorry for the rambling, but I feel a lot better just writing this down and look forward to reading others experiences.
FYI, Ontario, Canadian bee here. Other Ontarians, please share!