If I understand FMLA correctly, the basis is you can take up to 12 weeks unpaid and your company has to have an equivalent position for you when you get back. Is that right?
I was just having lunch with a friend who is on her last 2 weeks of maternity leave and she thinks they're going to eliminate her position soon. Her story is that she used to live in Dallas and work out of the Dallas office. Her husband got transferred to Chicago. Instead of transferring to the Chicago office as there were no current positions open, she worked out that she would continue to work for the Dallas office but would work from home. She has done this for at least a year and a half. Her boss called her this week to ask her if she was still coming back at the end of her leave. She said she still was. He told her that they had just lost their big client. He said something like he didn't think she wanted to transfer to the Chicago office but she said that she would love to. She thinks that he was just hoping that she would quit on her own.
I guess, my question is, once you come back from leave, how long do they have to keep that position for you in the case of layoffs. Are there any employment law bees?