Hi all! I have a detailed questions about FMLA that I just can't go to my HR office with, because then they'll know I'm thinking of leaving.
Currently, I am a teacher. I dislike my current school district and if I'm not pregnant by late March/early April when they ask us to sign our contract, I don't know if I will. If I don't sign, it's a resignation. If I do sign it and then quit / renege on the contract (even before the new school year), they will fine me $2000 unless they have someone immediately to take my place. If I try to move to a different district, my contract wouldn't start until sometime in July 2015.
I know you have to be working for an employer for 12 months before you are eligible for FMLA. So I'm just confused as to how long we would have to wait to try to conceive, so that I could take FMLA.
Say I leave my district and get a new job, with a contract starting in July 2015. If I were to get pregnant in October, I wouldn't be due until July 2016. Would I be eligible to take FMLA then? OR, do you have to work for the employer for 12 months BEFORE getting pregnant / filing a claim?
Now, of course, I know none of this can be planned really. I also realize that sometimes women need to take FMLA before delivering due to bed rest, etc. I'm just trying to figure out how changing employers would impact my FMLA eligibility, etc.
Any help or insight would be appreciated!