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Funny things you did/said/thought during childbirth


    cherry / 195 posts

    Y'all. This thread made my morning. LOL

  2. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    I love this thread! Thanks for all the laughs!

  3. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    They kept telling us how much hair DS had. DH was on orders to stay by my face. He saw the doctor get out the scissors and asked, "are you going to give him a haircut?" haha

  4. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    Mine isn't a what I said, it's a what I did.

    Turns out that you can support yourself on hands and knees with an epidural... My labour and dilation had stalled at around 7cm, so my backup midwife (an old school midwife) suggested that I get on my hands and knees - worked a treat and I dilated to ten in about 30 minutes. The whole thing was kinda ironic considering that I couldn't control my legs at all when I was lying on my back!

  5. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    i love this thread. y'all are amazing.

  6. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    These are hysterical. I was reading this thread while in the hospital after delivering LO, lol (during a 4am feeding!). I can add that mid push. I turned to DH and said, "I'm really hungry! When can I eat?". My OB laughed and said it was good motivation to get the baby out!

  7. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    These are hilarious - makes me wonder what kind of crazy things are going to come out of my mouth during labor and delivery

  8. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    I am late to this thread but here are my embarrassing moments during labor:

    Before being admitted/hanging out in triage - I am screaming at the top of my lungs "MY BUTT, MY BUTT...HELP ME, HELP ME...WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?!?!" I was soooo embarrassed after I got the epidural that I was being so crazy...but LO was a big baby and to this day my tailbone feels broken.

    Also before the epidural I screamed at my husband "we are only having 1 kid and I mean it!!!" After I got the epidural I told him I didn't mean it.

    I felt like I turned into the crazy pregnant lady that they depict on tv shows...fortunately I had the nicest L&D nurse

  9. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    My husband probably has a million more, but my best ones that I remember:

    My water broke, the doc wanted me to come in soon after to get checked, I asked him if I could come in once the Ohio State basketball game finished. No contractions yet, so I also was able to finish working and my husband could take down the Christmas tree.

    The anesthesiologist was MIA for about an hour when I requested the epidural, I made it about 45 minutes and started begging for IV pain drugs- something I swore I would never take. They worked so good though that I did fine for the epidural, so I'm happy with it.

    The last two pushes my doctor was trying to distract me while waiting for the next contraction- he started asking about my "fake" wedding ring (swollen fingers, substitute ring), and I would have none of it. He got the death glare and I told my husband to deal with the question. About 10 minutes later once the baby arrived I was laughing and joking with the doc and nurses again. My husband was all wrapped up with the baby, he said it sounded like we were having a party on the other end of the room.

    The baby was born at almost 10pm, we of course missed most of lunch and dinner, so it was midnight by the time we got to eat. My husband brought me In N Out Burger, but they forgot the fork for my animal fries- so I just dug in with my hands I was so hungry. Second best meal I have ever had!


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