Logistically we can't, because even though our building is pet-friendly -we are on the second floor and taking the dog outside would be really difficult - and definitely couldn't get a puppy because house-training would be impossible. Plus, with our crazy schedules, we don't have the time to devote to a pet like I feel they need. BUT this is REALLY hard for us because J ADORES dogs. And he has started asking for one, constantly. He even has a name for his doggy picked out, and he said he wants a green one (haha!).

When did/would you buy a pet "for" your kid? What factors would keep you from doing it?

I think I know for sure when we do get a dog someday, it will be a black lab. They're such great, loyal and kind dogs - never met one I didn't like. We had two when I was growing up and they are so sweet.

Do you have a favorite breed?