So my husband and I really want a dog. We currently have 2 cats that just turned a year old, so they are still young! Our vet said that the best time to introduce new animals to cats is before they turn 2 (cats can be really tempermental) So we have been thinking about getting a dog for a while. The only thing though is that we both work full time. I leave the house at 7:30 (DH leaves at 8:30) and we both get home around 5:30. We don't work close enough to come home on our lunch break.

We are planning on adopting a dog from the humane society, and they have a large range of adult dogs. So I don't think that we would get a puppy or anything, but maybe a dog that's already around a year old, hopefully trained potty trained already too.

Also I don't believe in crating/tieing the dig up when we are gone, that just seems cruel to me.

Does anyone have an experience with this? Advise? Can this work?