My LO is 10 months old and is still taking 4 bottles a day - when he wakes up, before his morning nap, before his afternoon nap and at night. He also drinks milk from a sippy cup with all 3 of his meals.

I've gotten him in the bad habit of falling asleep while I'm rocking him and he's drinking his bottle and then I transfer him to the crib for his 2 naps and at night. (I really wish I hadn't made this his routine and I will not do this whenever we have another baby!)

At our last appointment a couple of weeks ago, our doctor told us she'd like him to completely be done with the bottle by the time he turns one. So I feel this urgency that I need to get him to be able to fall asleep without taking a bottle here in the next couple of months. I'm feeling really overwhelmed about it. When I put him down drowsy but awake, he'll usually fall asleep after crying a little bit, but I don't think I can even get him to the drowsy stage without the bottle.

How do you go from baby falling asleep while drinking, to falling asleep on their own? Any suggestions/advice? Thank you so much.