My 1 year old daughter was bit yesterday while at daycare. It was enough that I can tell she will bruise, but the skin isn't broken. She is at a center so she is only with similar aged children.

They said she cried pretty hard after, but mostly she just didn't like the ice pack they tried to apply.

She has been acting frustrated and dramatic lately... hitting the food on her highchair, throwing herself on the ground and crying when we say no, etc. I'm worried she isn't having a fun experience of playing/learning at daycare.

I'm due with my second child in May, and we were going to keep paying for daycare for my daughter that way she can go when I felt I needed it on maternity leave, but now I'm wondering if I should just pull her out when I'm off.

Some additional info... she is going to a new daycare 3 days/week (2 with my in laws) in September and my son will start (5 days/week) after myself and husband take some staggered leave around the fall.

Any thoughts on her recent acting out, my sadness over her getting bit, or the daycare situation?