We had some friends over last night for an impromptu hangout, and two of our couple friends have LOs. One has a 1 year old son, and the other a 3 month old daughter. All our friends know that we are TTC, and so babies and pregnancy are a always a constant topic of discussion.

My friend with the 1 yr old always talks about childbirth as "no big deal" and "it wasn't bad at all", and "just take the drugs and you won't feel a thing". I know she is just trying to reassure me because I talk about how nervous I am, especially about giving birth. But at the same time, it bothers me that she makes light of how difficult it is... at least from what I hear over here on HB. Also, she'll say this stuff in front of the guys. So now DH and some of our other non-dad guy friends all think, "hey, childbirth must not be as bad as everyone makes it out to be!"

What do you ladies think? Was childbirth "not that bad" or was it "really tough"?