We had a health visitor come today to see my almost 9 month old (routine visit). LO isn't mobile yet - she sits beautifully and she is starting to pull to stand (we don't really have anything the right height!), and she walks when we hold her hands but she's not standing unsupported, cruising, crawling, bum shuffling, anything.
She leans and ends up on her knees sometimes when she's reaching for things but immediately her knees collapse beneath her. She doesn't seem super interested in moving, although she is very keen on standing. Health visitor told me that she has a gross motor delay and that if she isn't crawling or walking in a month that we need to follow up for intervention.
Um, what? Does this seem a little crazy to you? I thought crawling was an optional milestone and as far as I know, gross motor delay is only considered if LO isn't walking by 18months...right? I don't want to discount it if she has a delay of course, just trying to get some perspective.