I went to the doctor today and got a FSH test. Has anyone else had this done? What were your next steps if you had low or high FSH?
I went to the doctor today and got a FSH test. Has anyone else had this done? What were your next steps if you had low or high FSH?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
My OB just did the LH and FSH as part of my RPL testing. It came back in the normal range at 5.6 mIU/mL
grapefruit / 4703 posts
Yep, twice. First time it was around 5 or 6 I think, and second time (this cycle) it was 3.76. Anything under 10 is normal, and anything higher than that could be a sign of DOR. They'd probably test your AMH (another hormone) and maybe do an ultrasound to check your antral follicle count. I don't think there's such a thing as too low FSH.
honeydew / 7916 posts
Yes, I have high FSH and severe DOR. I'm sure you can find my numbers on every thread on this site about high FSH/DOR, but the first time it was tested last December it was 9.6 which is borderline but considered high by most REs in terms of treatment. When they think it could be high they'll also want to test AMH (mine was very low at 0.25, which was even lower than expected) and do an antral follicle count (mine was 5, also lower than expected). Your FSH can vary each cycle so the next cycle mine was in the 8 range, and gradually went up to 11 after a few months. (I'm 32.) We went straight to IVF, but it was more because of male factor issues. In the end what worked was a little bit of suppression with estrogen in the previous luteal phase (with timed intercourse) to keep my antral follicles from growing out of sync.
nectarine / 2808 posts
@littlek: Yes. My result was 8.58, which I thought was high, but my doctor said it's within the normal range. It was stressful waiting for the results, but I was glad I had it done.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
Update: got back my test results and they are in the normal range.
pear / 1556 posts
I haven't had mine tested for about a year but they were 6.2 the last time that they checked. My understanding is that anything under 10 is considered "normal."
honeydew / 7916 posts
@littlek: So glad it was normal! BTW I checked my TTC data and realized the cycle I got pregnant my FSH was 17. So I guess it doesn't matter that much anyway!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@spaniellove: I know "phew"... doctor gave me speech on how getting pregnant now that I'm 35 is goint to take longer...
nectarine / 2808 posts
@littlek: if you don't mind sharing, what was your FSH? Happy to hear you're in the normal range!!
nectarine / 2808 posts
@littlek: I'm 35, too. Turned in September. I hate how 35 feels like such a drastic jump in age from 34!! Are you trying for your first?
persimmon / 1085 posts
Just to point out that FSH levels fluctuate sometimes and aren't always consistent. Mine was on the higher side (8.5), but still in the semi-normal range. I had a very low AMH, though, which my RE considers a better prediction of egg quantity. My AMH was 1.1 so it was assumed I had DOR and wouldn't get many eggs, but I had 13 at retrieval! So these numbers are not always good predictors-just something to keep in mind!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Jenn23: 1.1 is not bad at all! Low is more like 0.16-0.25...I wouldn't consider 1.1 even close to DOR. From what I've seen 0.9 and above is in the normal range?
@LittleLashesToes: I had help with that cycle of course but it's certainly doable.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@LittleLashesToes: TBH, I don't remember what he said, he said it was under 10 and he was happy with the result.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@LittleLashesToes: I have an 18 month old. We are trying for LO #2. I've been pregnant twice, both unexpected. This is our first time trying and man does it SUCK.
persimmon / 1085 posts
@spaniellove: Sorry, I wrote the wrong number! 1.1 was my first AMH, but a year afterwards before starting IVF (after surgery and other fertility issues) it was .6 which is low. My AFC was on the low side, too. Only 5 spotted before IVF. My RE said I definitely had DOR, plus I was 34 at the time, so we were told to act fast.
nectarine / 2808 posts
@Jenn23: Did your doc think there was any chance of conceiving naturally?
persimmon / 1085 posts
@LittleLashesToes: Not sure what my chances would have been naturally due to my numbers, but I no choice but to do IVF due to tubal issues. One was removed during a fibroid surgery in 2010, then during a cyst surgery in 2011, he saw that the remaining tube was filled with fluid. That's when we were given the awful news that IVF was our only chance. Shortly after that is when I found out my AMH had dropped and between that and my age, he said not to wait too long, so we started IVF a few months later. But I got 13 eggs (10 fertilized), so my AMH didn't seem to be a good predictor, so I tell people not to get hung up on numbers like I did. People get pregnant all the time with low AMH's and high FSH's!
nectarine / 2808 posts
@Jenn23: so good to know! I can't stop worrying about my FSH and am too scared to even have my AMH testes.
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