For the amount of times we have cursed in front of her, I'm shocked she hasn't repeated one. Has your child said a dirty word yet?
For the amount of times we have cursed in front of her, I'm shocked she hasn't repeated one. Has your child said a dirty word yet?
coconut / 8234 posts
Oh yeah. I mean, she thinks lots of words are bad words, like "shut up" and "stupid" but she has said "shit" and "damn." And she told me "Jesus Christ" is what you say when you hurt yourself. I'm a bad mother
grapefruit / 4997 posts
Not yet but I am sure it will come, she has a good memory and repeats everything. We don't curse that much though.
kiwi / 595 posts
If you can think it, my daughter has said it. I swear in front of her and she's picked it up unfortunately.
persimmon / 1379 posts
Oh my goodness, yes. When my daughter was TWO she and I were at a stalemate regarding her dinner, and she looked at me very sternly and said, quietly under her breath "I don't want your F****** dinner."
YES. That happened. Perhaps having kids before any of our friends (and being a bit of a sailor when it comes to my own potty mouth) caught up to us. That was the only time though.
persimmon / 1467 posts
I don't really swear but my two year old did pick up saying 'crap' and in the appropriate context too. It wasn't really recognizable thankfully but it has taken a lot of work to get him to stop saying it!
pear / 1642 posts
She repeated me once and it was so funny I couldn't even be upset. I was in the middle of chaos trying to get everyone out the door and yelled to my husband that I was about to lose my sh*t. K looked at me and asked "where'd your sh*t go, Mommy?" She hasn't used the word since though.
I'm actually shocked that Dd hasn't said more than that. Dh and I have terrible mouths. I'm sure our day of reckoning is coming.
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@mediagirl: Same as you. I need to go knock on wood.
The girls are both at the age where they think potty words and parts of the body are hilarious things to just shout....I don't like that, but don't consider those "bad" words.
nectarine / 2152 posts
This past weekend during a tense family game of Candyland, got a card that sent her back to the beginning and promptly said 'Oh, shit'.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
I mean, yes. Repeated, not within a sentence of her own though.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
These are amazing.
She has not yet. Once the blinds fell on my head while I was opening them and I yelled "oh f-ck!" And she walked over going, duck! Duck! I quickly stated talking about ducks and how they quack.
I've said much worse since then but have been lucky so far.
eggplant / 11824 posts
Well...she called the cat a "fucking jerk" so...yep lol she's also pulled out a Jesus Christ once or twice
honeydew / 7504 posts
Ha ha ha...these are making me laugh out loud! D hasn't repeated anything super terrible, but we're pretty conscious of our mouths around him. His uncles tend to swear a lot around him, but somehow he hasn't repeated any of it!
persimmon / 1458 posts
This is hysterical and makes me feel much better! Unfortunately yes they have. Sometimes bad words slip out of Mommy and Daddy's mouth!
watermelon / 14467 posts
Yes. T stepped on a Lego and said shit, and all of a sudden he heard her tiny voice saying it over and over again. She hasn't done it again thankfully.
pineapple / 12566 posts
No. Neither of us really curse around the LOs so they only hear it randomly if a song comes on the radio. Also, they probably get 90% of their English exposure from me, so it's not like they hear it on the street or out and about.
persimmon / 1026 posts
Unfortunately more than a few times, most of it is my fault haha. My son was telling us about going to a Portuguese restaurant with my MIL and said "yeah, the rice was f****** spicy". My husband and I cracked up for a good 10 min. And then last week we had friends over and my son was mad we were going upstairs to bed and yelled "God damnit". Of course our friends practically peed their pants laughing so hard.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
Yep! We tried to curb our swearing but failed. I am surprised it took her to 26 months to say one lol. It came totally out of the blue though and not after we had said it. She used it correctly at least is the silver lining I guess?
First time : "effing dog" I tried to say freckled dog?! It didn't work.
Second time: DH said what the heck?! She parroted him and said what the eff!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@mrsjazz: @littlecasita1122: Jesus Christ and God dammit are the ones I say most often. My daughter goes to a religious daycare, I often wonder if she repeats anything I say there.
persimmon / 1328 posts
Yes, but more in the context of discovering rhymes than anything else. She was rhyming with "duck" and when she said f*** I told her it was not a nice word to say. Course then she declared it is her favorite word and said it repeatedly for a while....
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Umm last time we flew she looked out the window (while we were still at the gate) and said "what the fuck are those other planes doing?" At least she used it in the proper context?
pear / 1718 posts
I had just picked her up from daycare and was putting her in her car seat when she asked for a particular snack. When I told her I didn't have that snack she replied, "are you fucking kidding me?"
eggplant / 11861 posts
DD is only 18 months so no, but of tired and says "get down" it will blend together and sound like G*d damn!
pear / 1718 posts
@FaithFertility: It was all I could do not to laugh . . . and she's never said it again!
@lawbee11: Awesome.
cherry / 101 posts
When my DS was about 1.5 he was really into singing the finger family song. Only problem was he couldn't pronounce finger and it always came out "F*ck*r". So he would walk around singing "daddy F-er" and "mommy F-er". It was hilarious to us, but we had to warn his daycare teachers that he was really trying to say finger. So glad I still have it on video.
squash / 13199 posts
we dont curse in front of LO but she has heard bad words from the tv or other people's conversations. at this age she is old enough to understand that some words are not ok to repeat and she is really good about asking if a word is good or not.
persimmon / 1495 posts
These are hilarious! My LO hasn't said too many, but when he was a little younger, my husband showed him this video because he thought it was a cool rhythm. Our LO then for *days* walked around repeating, "folk you." Which sounded exactly like, you can probably figure it out.
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