Hehe.. I just remembered that on Sunday night, we stayed at a hotel downtown because Wagon Sr. is hosting a work conference all week there (this is a whole separate blog post that will be coming whenever I can come up for air for more than 5 mins at a time...!!!). Rather than dealing with both kids at home alone for bedtime Sunday and morning time Monday, I opted for all of us to stay in his room for that one night. He had a nice suite so we got to eat dinner (room service!) and watch the Super Bowl with the door to the bedroom closed! Plus it had a little nook (think walk-in closet without a door, between the bedroom and bathroom) so LMW's crib had a wall between her and the main bedroom.

We put Wagon Jr. down on the king sized bed and put pillows all around him. I joined him on the bed later that night, and while we were sleeping some time in the middle of the night, I heard him roll over the pillow barrier on the other side and plop! He fell off the bed. I scrambled over and looked down and he was sitting on the floor, eyes still closed, very confused and starting to whimper a little. I pulled him back up onto the bed and kissed him and stroked his hair and asked if he was ok, and he just rolled over and went back to sleep.

It was SO cute. Haha. Bad mommy. (He's 3 by the way.)