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Hate confrontation but need to talk with daycare director - help, long!

  1. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    Yikes, I see you already met with her, but just fwiw... I have had to talk to my kid's teachers about a certain situation that wasn't their fault but I really had to make sure they were handling it. I didn't want to be THAT parent, and I still try to be an easier one to deal with, but realistically, it is my job to put my kid above everyone else. Yes, I am respectful and I respect their expertise and even take their recommendations seriously as far as ways to help at home- I really like dd's teachers. However, I feel that the best thing is to just have clear expectations from the start. If they think you don't mind, they won't mind either.

  2. 808love

    pomelo / 5866 posts

    I'm glad you had a meeting with them! Good job handling it, Mama Bear! Your kids need an advocate and you stepped up to the plate.

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @HappyBaker: Good for you for stepping up and having that necessary conversation!! I know it had to have been hard. I know that for us, once I spoke to the director, I didn't have any further issues with that teacher regarding food, so hopefully the same is true for you!

  4. T-Mom

    honeydew / 7488 posts

    I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope they make the necessary corrections. My peanut allergic daughter also ingested a pb cracker by accident when she was in day care. It was the scariest thing, but it turned out ok and the day care was very apologetic and fixed things. It sucks that it happened this way, but as long as they correct it and it doesn't happen again, it should be ok. Good luck!


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