When we first got our dog, he was a sweet little puppy and I wanted to cuddle him all night. Of course, at the time he couldn't care less! He wanted to play on the floor all night long and get into stuff. For months, I cajoled him into sleeping in bed with us. Now that he's a year old, he sleeps on our bed all night long.

Of course, now I am regretting it big time! He's 75+ lbs and he is a horrible bed hog. I've been sleeping really lightly, and I swear he wakes me up 10 times a night! He stretches out right on top of me, makes me squish up into uncomfortable positions to make room for him.... it's terrible and I am going to kill him soon if something doesn't change!

Of course, we keep pushing him off the bed, but he loves it now. How do you train your dog to stay off when you're asleep? I feel bad to put him in his crate because he already stays in there 10 hours a day most days!