I SAH so my kids will attend half day preschool. Most of the schools around us have the younger kids go 2 days, T Th and the Pre-K kids go 3 days, MWF. My boys will both be in preschool for 1 year but I don't want them going different days of the week! The school that DS1 is currently in does give us the option of choosing our days and he is VERY happy there so it seems like it would be a no-brainer for us to stay there but I have some pretty serious concerns about this school. First and most importantly - it is in a church and not fully separate so outside people can get into the school area. The second is just that there is no outdoor play area but I could overlook that. I don't feel it is so unsafe that I am uncomfortable having DS there. The director is always just outside the classrooms so it's not like there are people wandering around totally random but there is always the possibility that something could happen. What would you do in this situation?