Hi gals. Just wondering if anyone else who had an HSG experienced more cramping that cycle?
For example, I had my HSG a week ago, last Monday. The rest of that week I felt kinda crampy and sore, off and on, with more cramps coming at the end of the week on Friday (while I was at the gym.)
Now this past weekend I was approaching ovulation. I usually get some mild cramping around ovulation, maybe for a few hours. But all yesterday and today I've been having cramps. Pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. (+opk and temp rise today.) It's not normal for me to still be feeling the cramps.
Last year, after my D&C, my AF cramps were a bazillion times worse than normal, just for that first AF.
Do you think it's kinda the same thing going on here? Anyone else have worse cramping the month of an HSG? I hate to be a hypochondriac, but I hope I didn't get some sort of infection. (Pretty impossible considering the amount of anti-biotics I had to take before the HSG.)
Thanks for reading!