*hi all*
Some of you might still remember me from WB. I'm very hesitant to join hellobee but wanted to quickly introduce myself.
I'm 31, DH is 32. We have been struggling with infertility for close to 2 years. I was diagnosed with DOR (diminished ovarian reserve) in Jan 2012 and we were given very little chance to conceive, with or without intervention.
I turned to TCM, went to acupuncture and changed my diet. In Sept 12 we tried our first IUI with injectables, which got cancelled. After that we decided to move straight to IVF.
We found out last Saturday that our very first IVF was a success!!!! So far I had two betas and the numbers are doubling nicely. Now waiting for our first scan.
It is still so early and so many things can happen. But I'm trying to embrace that I'm pregnant TODAY!
Looking forward to meet everyone and hopefully catch up with some old friends.