I really need help with my EBF 4 week old during her colicky times. For the past few days, she has had these long crying episodes and it seems to be from tummy issues. I don't know if it's gas or she's straining to poop but she is grunting and grimacing in between crying and seems very uncomfortable. The problem comes when she wants to eat and is showing hunger signs like rooting and putting hands in her mouth. When I latch her, she starts sucking vigorously with eyes wide open like she's starving but after a minute or two, she starts grunting/grimacing/ pulling her legs up and looks like she's in pain. She unlatches which causes her to get mad and start screaming. I latch her on again but the same thing happens. It's like she wants to keep eating but can't because something is bothering her. I try burping her and giving her the gas drops but it doesn't seem to help. I end up trying to soothe her in other ways (rocking, using white noise, pacing) which helps for a few minutes but once she realizes that she's still hungry she starts screaming again. It sometimes takes 2 hours for her to finally go to sleep.

I don't know if it's something in my milk because at other times of the day when she's not having these tummy issues, she nurses just fine. I've cut out dairy and spicy foods and "gas-causing" foods like beans and broccoli but I have no idea what is causing this. I even gave her formula at one point to try to calm her down.
Her poops are normal for a breastfed baby, she sometimes has spit up but no vomiting. She's gaining weight beautifully.

It's so frustrating because she looks miserable and I don't know how to help her. Not to mention the fatigue and sleep deprivation from trying to get her to go to sleep. Any one else had to deal with this?