I have a very large job interview next Thursday (huge promotion, 7 hours long interview process).
This is also scheduled to be my first cycle on Follistim (CD 4-7) with an HCG trigger shot (Pregnyll, 10k units). I have used HCG shots before, but only 2k units at a time EOD for 7 days. Although I don't feel like it impacted me, I don't know what such a large dosage will do. I've never used Follistim/Gonal-F.
Because timing has worked out so well for me, I will likely need to trigger the night before my job interview, and its making me nervous. WWYD? Go for it and hope the trigger happens after the interview? Skip treatments this cycle just in case?
If you've used trigger shots, how did it make you feel? Emotional? Overly bloated?