So we are moving into a 2 bedroom apartment where we will likely live for at least the next 10 years. We currently have an 8 month old daughter, but because this is NYC, even if/when we have another child we will still be living in the 2bdr as there is no way we can spring $1.5 million for a 3bdr.

I am planning the decor for LO's room and want to make good choices. I want to have the walls grey but was trying to decide between yellow/grey or coral/grey for the overall look of the room.

I love coral/grey but worry that if we have a boy in a couple of years and want them to share, it might be too girly. I also love yellow/grey but worry that maybe it is a bit overdone or passé.

I have no idea what to do, help me bees. I need inspiration!