I didn't realize there was an introduction area, so I'm a little late posting here. But better late than never!
So, I'm 27, happily married for 4 years last month, and 9w3d pregnant with our first! I'm due Jan 11 and could not be happier! We currently live in Denver, CO with our two beloved puppies and one kitty. I normally work as a nanny, though I'm currently not working and probably won't be going back to work for rather a long time. Currently not working because my husband's company is moving us to TN in the next month or so. (This is wonderful news because we're both from there, so we can have the baby with family around.) I will probably stay out of work because we plan for me to be a SAHM and probably homeschool at least for a while.
As anyone who has noticed my posts on the boards will know, I'm fairly nerdy. Star Wars is my first love, but I'm very into Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, etc. I'm also fairly crafty. I enjoy all sorts of pinterest-y crafts, and cross-stitch and crochet. I have a little Etsy shop (though my pictures are terrible if anyone want to help with that), which is also where my avatar comes from. I also just started a baby blog, though it currently only has info on our trip to Europe. It'll be all baby once those posts are up! If anyone could help name it I started a thread on that!
And I have to add, I am SO happy that WeddingBee went ahead with a "babybee" site! I was on there non-stop when planning my wedding, and I was really sad that they weren't planning a baby site because MrsBee was having trouble getting pregnant. Turns out she already was pregnant at the time, and hadn't announced! HelloBee is definitely my new favorite site!