Ok, sorry for another post about sleep, but I've gone back to work and getting DS to sleep well is suddenly very important! And you ladies are so knowledgable! Sorry this is kinda long!

I posted earlier about his sleep getting worse at night, and many of you suggested moving up bedtime (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/ugh-how-do-i-get-this-kid-to-sleep#post-1556247). I did move it up to 8, and his sleep improved a lot! Back to 4+ hours the first stretch, then 3.

Now, I've been focusing on naps. I pay closer attention to DS's sleepy cues and have realized he was often overtired and needs to nap more often (1.5 hours is about as much awake time as he can handle, followed by 30 min naps). His mood has GREATLY improved throughout the day! But his night sleep has been worse.

So my question, do we need to move up bedtime even more (he gets up for the day about 700)? Or not nap into the evening so his night sleep is better (last nap has been at 5:30-6 ish with bedtime at 8)? Or do I just need to shut up and deal