
Well, my name is Nadia and I am the mother a five month old named Owen. I live in northern California with my hubs. I just recently quit my job of seven years to be a temporary SAHM and to finish my Master's degree in Public Administration. I just turned in my 80 page first draft last week, it was really hard with a job and a LO!

I have been a lurker here since early pregnancy when this officially became my FAVORITE parenting site. I made my way over from the Weddingbee site. Hellobee is definitely responsible for my VERY detailed Babylist registry I especially enjoyed reading the August 2013 mommies board, even though our LO made his appearance 10 days "late" on September 8 :). Now I google "_____(issue/product/whatever) hello bee" anytime I have a question so I can see what all the other mommies are doing!

I look forward to chatting with you
