I've started attending a "Yoga for Fertility" class and I'm enjoying the weekly moment to just let things go and breathe. Each time I'm in the class, when we all take a moment to go around the room and share where we're at in our fertility journey, I begin to tear up and become a babbling mess. I wish I could hold it together and talk more coherently - but I'm finding that I suppress the emotions each and every day. So when I have a moment to just be vulnerable, I break down.
My journey is 16 months long now - and this week I get to learn what my plan will be. I have my follow-up RE appointment where we go over all of the testing that has occurred since the end of September. I already know that surgery is most likely in my near future. My uterus has a filling defect, and I think/hope that's the culprit to preventing a successful pregnancy. Truthfully though? Ever since learning about that defect, I've been a wreck. Can I let myself be hopeful once it's removed? Or is it just the beginning of my long journey?
I just wanted to see how the rest of you are coping. Do you find that you are in control of your emotions? Do you break down at any time? Are you able to talk through all of this without a single tear?