Hellobee Boards


Hospital Bag- what to pack that will be used?

  1. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Boppy pillow--literally sent my husband home to get it. I brought two going home outfits for me, and two for baby (two sizes).
    Bring extra shoes in case you retain water.... and bring really big clothes for going home.
    We also brought a pacifier because the hospital didn't believe in them.

    I think I brought other stuff, but I didn't use anything else.

    reading over the other ones--I think we probably brought phone chargers?
    Also, I brought a legit ink on paper list of all the people we wanted to call with all their phone numbers and alternate numbers.

  2. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    The one thing that I would have liked to have had but didn't was a small clock. There wasn't one in the delivery room, and I didn't like having no sense of how much time was passing.

    Other essentials:

    lip balm
    a big towel from home (the ones provided were teeny)
    hard candy (my throat was so sore after groaning through labor)

  3. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @lady baltimore: so weird you didn't have a clock! I would have been SOL.

  4. Me3

    grape / 75 posts

    I wish I had brought a plain white onesie and a special blanket for the in-hospital photos. I did not think I would buy them, but the photographer did a nice job and it was a super convenient way to get newborn photos done without much hoopla. If I ever have another, I'll take a better outfit and backdrop for my baby's photos.

    Also, first baby, I packed everything. Second baby, I packed the following: robe, slippers, toiletries, book, iPad, going home outfit for baby. Done! My hospital had everything else I needed.


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