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hospital mistakes

  1. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @mauxie: both of these happened to me too. The nurse, who was actually really nice, had to call for help after messing up at least to Ivs.

    And I think dd "shrunk" about an inch between her delivery length and first dr appointment.

  2. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    Wow, some of these are crazy!

    Luckily I didn't have any big mistakes. Just the night nurse accusing me of letting my LO scratch himself! She scolded me and told me to make sure I had his hands covered (the onesie he was wearing had the little flaps that flipped over his hands. Um lady, he didn't have his hands uncovered until you came in and took him from me to do his check and change his shirt! I was pissed.

  3. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    I was given the Rubella booster in the hospital because I was told it had worn off. My ob later told me that I shouldn't have been given the vaccination, my blood test had shown I still had immunity.

  4. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    As a former birth photographer, I've seen a few mistakes ... both in hospital and home settings. A reminder that our caregivers are people. The worst I saw was an error made during the placing of an epidural. Even though I knew I wasn't allowed to take photos during the procedure (and totally respected that), the anesthesiologist had to call in a colleague to help her fix the issue, and I was shouted at to leave the room. Very scary for the mom.

  5. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    I had to be induced with LO1 because my water had broken but labor hadn't progressed. When I got my epidural, the trainee midwife forgot to give me a catheter...my bladder got so full that DD didn't descend properly. I was thisclose to having a c-section when the head midwife realized (because she saw/felt my bulging bladder) what had happened. As soon as they put in the catheter, DD was out in minutes!

  6. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    Holy shitballs, some of these stories!!!

    I was induced with LO1 @ 39w and she wasn't ready to come bc I was in labor for 36 hours. Multiple times- at least 3 or 4- her heart rate dropped crazy low during contractions. I was freaking out (it would start dropping for multiple contractions and they'd move me and turn down the pitocin down, and then rinse & repeat)...

    With Dd2 they moved super fast when her heart rate dropped the first time, it was a huge production. This was a different hospital and they were just so much more concerned and proactive! When it started happening a second time, people spilled into the room and the nurses were like "Let's get her out of there!" Fortunately, she was ready too and her head came out on my first push and the rest of her came out on the second.

    They were so alarmed and on top of it with Dd2. I shudder to think what could have happened bc they were so lax with Dd1.

    After DD1's birth, I read SO MANY stories about a perfectly healthy baby's heart rate dropping and then stopping. Even on here I know of a story. If I knew then what I know now, I would have thrown a fit to have a c section and get her out. The practice I was with for DD1 avoided CS at all costs and advertised their low CS rate. I feel like they pushed the risk to the limit to avoid a CS and we are sooooo lucky nothing awful happened.

  7. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    My OB told me I was BGS + we had a whole entire conversation about it. Well when I went into labor they were looking through my chart and it said GBS negative. I told them, no I am positive and it said negative in 3 different places in my chart. So my OB must have had the wrong chart pulled up when she told me that at my 37 week appointment

  8. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    Not sure if this is a mistake or just an awful moment...

    After I had DS they took my catheter out and at like 2am I couldn't pee because I was so swollen.. They had to put a new one in. I had a 3rd degree tear plus other smaller tears. They put the new one in. It doesn't work. She puts another one in at the same time. Thank god it worked. It was the most painful thing ever. My husband was just standing there holding the crying newborn like😬👀😨

  9. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I had a problem where my epidural came apart and was leaking fluid and meds all over the floor instead of going into me. When a different anesthesiologist showed up she thought the line had touched stuff and she told me she'd have to redo the epidural placement to avoid getting infected. I almost started crying because the placement was really awful. Luckily a nurse pointed out it was still sterile somehow and they snapped it back together and I started getting the meds again.

  10. nicollette1189

    cherry / 105 posts

    My first csection was such an emergency that they were running me down the hallway in the hospital bed ands crashed right into the wall. I was on so many pain meds that it didn't really bother me, but it is one of the few things I remember about that day.

  11. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    One of our friends were switched at the hospital. The mothers noticed that the babies were not breastfeeding at home and suspected something was wrong. Not sure how long it took for the hospital to figure out their mistake and return the babies back to their proper families.

  12. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @yin: how old are the babies involved?! It doesn't seem like this would even be possible these days in the US. Huge mistake though.

  13. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    @Finfan: Newborns. This was back in 1983, and the hospital did not have the same policies in place as they do now (I gave birth at the same hospital). They were probably the only two asian babies born that day, and the nurses may have swapped at some time unknowingly.

  14. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Not when I was giving birth but my mom always thought my blood type was A+, it was written in my baby book and what I always put my blood type was. Imagine my surprise when I was PG when they told me I was O- and needed and rh shot... what???? I asked my mom and she still swears the hospital told her I was A+ at birth, so I asked if I was switched at birth!?!?!?!?

    Only took 36 yrs to find out what my real blood type is!! I guess I'm lucky I never needed a blood transfusion when I was younger... wonder what happens if they give you the wrong blood type? or do they always check before giving it??

  15. PurplePeony

    pomegranate / 3113 posts

    @Ajsmommy: this happened to me too! My birth certificate says A-. I was in a program in HS for people who were thinking about going into the medical profession and we were doing our blood types. I kept getting AB and was really confused...they actually called in some of the professionals to see what was going on and they came up with AB-!

  16. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @mauxie: same exact thing with DS's birth. Both for the multiple jabs to get the IV in, and the incorrect measurement for height. But I'm told it's really hard to do the height measurement and therefore common for the height to be off) because newborns aren't used to stretching out their legs.

  17. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @PurplePeony: oh my!! I am so glad I'm not the only one!! LOL.. I was soo shocked to go from A+ to O-??? what did your mom say, if you asked her? Just that they told her you were A-?

  18. PurplePeony

    pomegranate / 3113 posts

    @Ajsmommy: yeah, I told my parents right away (I was a senior in high school at the time so still living at home). They were shocked! In my baby book is the "commemorative" birth certificate from the hospital with all my birth stats on it and it clearly says A- so they never thought to question it...but obviously somebody messed up either in the lab or in filling out the form! Definitely not as wild a difference as yours though!

  19. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    A friend of ours lost her baby a day after he was born because of mistakes made during his delivery. Horrific.

    There were no mistakes I know of during my deliveries.
    For my sister, the midwife refused to check her internally after her initial check because she said - by placing her hands on her stomach - that she was hardly contracting. They didn't even admit her, they put her in a side room off of triage because my sister, who was on her third delivery and knew what labour felt like - refused to go home and told them she felt nearly complete. My mum had to run through the corridors to find someone to help ten minutes later when my sister had to start pushing, she still had all her clothes on and there wasn't any medical equipment in the room. My sister said she would never forget the look on the midwife's face when she checked her then. Baby was over ten pounds, his shoulders got stuck and there was meconium in the water. Could have been a very different outcome.

  20. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Not a hospital mistake per se, but I do partially blame my doctors and midwives for L being a preemie. I started having Braxton Hicks at 10 weeks, and they would get down to 2 minutes apart sometimes. They were even painful occasionally. *Everyone,* midwives, high risk OB's, they all said not to worry about it. As long as I wasn't clearly in labor (mucus plug list, bloody show, water breaking, severe pain, etc), ignore it. The night before she was born I was in enough pain that I would have at least called, and probably gone in if they hadn't constantly told me I was overreacting and not to worry. I woke up at 6 that morning in enough pain it was hard to breathe through and still didn't want to go in because of how foolish they made me feel about it. She was born at 10:40, an hour and a half after we finally went in. I was in transition before we managed to leave the house.


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