apricot / 386 posts
I want to join this thread!
CD: 13
TTC cycle 13
POAS date August 12
New this cycle: Had my 13 day ultrasound today and had 2 "good plump follicles" one in each ovary, had 100mg of clomid days 5-9. Lab work today good! Trigger shot done tonight, IUI to be done on Tuesday morning! I am super excited! This is our 2nd IUI.
Something fun I did this summer: GOT MARRIED!
cherry / 133 posts
@LindsayLou: @fotolori1: Welcome to the fun!
@fotolori1: Have you used Clomid prior to this cycle? My doctor has suggested that if we are not successful this month, I should consider starting Clomid next month. I am a little nervous.
Do any of you ladies have experience with Clomid?
apricot / 386 posts
@Hoots: thank you!!!!
@Bigskygirl: yes, I have used clomid before. I took 50 mg last month with the other IUI and it wasn't successful, but that doesn't mean the clomid didn't work for me. It does stimulate the ovaries for ovulation. It made me a little moody and kind of tired, then I cramped with my period, but other than that, not bad! It will be fine! I have taken it several months and that's as bad as it got!
@travellingbee: thank you! I certainly hope so!!!!
nectarine / 2148 posts
@Bigskygirl: This cycle is my first cycle using clomid. I ended up getting some of the side effects, which weren't that fun. But, when I figured out that I should probably take them at night instead of the am it worked out a lot better. Although, I don't know how I would feel if I had to take it for many cycles.
pear / 1849 posts
Ok, I'm going to play!
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle #: 1
POAS date: 8/11
Baby #2 (son is 22 months)
Your plan this month: Super laid-back. We're not in any rush so since we already have a boy, we decided to try the Shettles method for a few months. Expecting ovulation to happen today, so we BD on Thursday and Friday and we'll see what happens. I think the chances are slim to none it worked, but who knows!
Something exciting you've done or are doing this summer: Took a kid-free Caribbean vacation with DH for our anniversary in June and then did a week at the beach with LO in July.
nectarine / 2262 posts
I'm in.
Cycle: #4
Baby: #1
Current cycle day: 11
POAS date: no idea yet
I have been off my birth control since the beginning of March and my cycles have been kind of messed up since then. SUPER long. My last 2 cycles were getting better though (42 days and the last one 35 days).
My temps definitely indicate that I am ovulating, but I'm ovulating way late in my cycle (my last 35-day cycle, I ovulated on cd 26) and my luteal phase is very short (9 days last cycle).
I am HOPING this is just my cycles being messed up after 10 years on birth control and not a bigger problem. I am going to start taking B6 as soon as I O to try to lengthen my luteal phase.
pear / 1787 posts
August POAS 2014 Roll-Call
8/1 - happybluebird, littledove
8/2 - loki
8/3 - travellingbee, Eko
8/5 - angelachase, Hoots, Rockies11
8/6 - meredithNYC, Runnergirl, auggiefrog
8/7 - Bigskygirl
8/8 - MissLace
8/9 - hellobeeboston
8/10 - lilyofthewest
8/11 - SeptMomma12
8/12 - fotolori1
8/13 - LindsayLou
8/11 - KelLeeLeee
8/17 - sheskrafty
8/20 - raspberries
8/21 - JennyG
TBD: onthemove, lil owl, MrsADS
Cheerleaders: simplyfelicity, LuLu Mom, Mrs. Microscope
Sorry I've been a bit MIA this weekend, had a party at our house so I wasn't really around to update. Hopefully I got everyone! Welcome to all the newcomers and good luck
@Rockies11: you're probably completely right. I have always had crazy low iron but always struggle taking my iron supplements because they make me feel just awful. i need the iron badly so i think i'll suck it up. i also found out through bloodwork i have crazy low B12 so need to add one of those in the mix too. so. many. supplements. haha.
clementine / 957 posts
@fotolori1: Congrats on your marriage!! And best of luck this cycle!
coconut / 8854 posts
I'm gunna hang out here and cheer on everyone, but I'm not sure when my POAS day will be. I am starting my dose of Provera today, to induce my period. So my period probably won't start for another 11-13 days. boo.....
coconut / 8854 posts
Cycle: #3
Baby: #1
Current cycle day: (still end waiting for cycle 2 to end)
POAS date: no idea yet
pear / 1787 posts
August POAS 2014 Roll-Call
8/1 - happybluebird, littledove
8/2 - loki
8/3 - travellingbee, Eko
8/5 - angelachase, Hoots, Rockies11
8/6 - meredithNYC, Runnergirl, auggiefrog
8/7 - Bigskygirl
8/8 - MissLace
8/9 - hellobeeboston
8/10 - lilyofthewest
8/11 - SeptMomma12
8/12 - fotolori1
8/13 - LindsayLou
8/11 - KelLeeLeee
8/17 - sheskrafty
8/20 - raspberries
8/21 - JennyG
TBD: onthemove, lil owl, MrsADS, MrsBrewer
Cheerleaders: simplyfelicity, LuLu Mom, Mrs. Microscope
@MrsBrewer: i'm putting you as TBD! keep us posted and i can either add you to a POAS date or put you as a cheerleader for this month. hope the provera does the trick and you can POAS with us this month!!!
question: is anyone that is POASing early starting to feel anything? i have myself convinced that this isn't our month because i just kinda feel nothing. i've had a few low pelvic twinges the last couple days (i THINK i'm 9dpo) but i'm sure they're normal and i'm imagining things. but so many people said they just knew, had sore boobs, etc etc... and i kinda feel nothing so i'm convinced i'm out (i'm aware that's insane). anyone feel ANYTHING?
apricot / 306 posts
@loki: I also am feeling absolutely nothing at 5 DPO. My boobs are sore, but they always are post-O. Plus my temp dipped .2 this morning and I was like "well, that's that then." I'm also aware this is insane.
pear / 1787 posts
@angelachase: glad i'm not alone. i don't temp so can't go by that. but i'm due for AF on saturday and usually by now i have sore boobs/a bit of cramping because she's coming. i keep poking my boobs to see if anything has changed haha. my best friend got pg last month and had ewcm 4dpo and then nausea 5dpo and i had the EXACT SAME THING this month so i'm hoping i'll be as lucky as her (her first cycle also!). she had bfns until 11 dpo. but had a lot of symptoms that made me feel like she was. i'm grasping at straws here, i just totally wish i felt more
nectarine / 2148 posts
@loki: I woke up this morning feeling fairly awful. I've been having constant cramping since I am on doses of progesterone, but this morning I woke up and the bloating has been so intense and I have crazy back and hip pains and my boobs have become super sore. I POAS'd this am since I'm cray and like to do it really early just in case and got a BFN. I am about 8-9DPO so it is still really early. I've also been really tired and at times light headed. I don't think you are grasping at straws. Some people can really not experience many symptoms at all.
apricot / 306 posts
@loki: You can play mind games with yourself forever, I'm realizing. Last cycle I was CONVINCED I was pregnant, spotting every symptom in the book. I'm trying not to think about it as much this time! (But, I will admit to a little bit of "I feel absolutely nothing, I'm probably out" and then "maybe the fact that I feel nothing MEANS SOMETHING!")
pear / 1787 posts
@Eko: wow all those thing sound super positive! (only in this universe does feeling awful = great news!) i hope that's the case with me. although this is only my first cycle so i'm being realistic. i'm not lucky enough for it to happen instantly. i know i need to work for it a bit i'm just SUCH a planner, i didn't realize how hard the TWW would be!!!
@angelachase: haha that is my constant thought process all day every day. ya i realize it's totally out of my control at this point and i need to relax and try to pass the days quickly. i haven't even purchased tests yet because i know i would be testing 100 times a day if i did. my original POAS date was July 30 but I pushed it back to Aug 2 so i'm trying to hold out for then and not overthink every little thing i feel.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@loki: 5dpo... Not much going on here. A couple of twinges...
@angelachase: a dip can be a good thing!!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Bigskygirl: I used Clomid during TTC #1. I had unexplained infertility and got pregnant on the second cycle of 100mg of Clomid + sex (obviously haha). We didn't get pregnant the previous cycle with IUI.
nectarine / 2148 posts
@loki: I know right?! I've been complaining to my husband, but I"m like I really need to not complain since I want this, haha. I have some back to backish miscarriages so I feel really in tuned with my body and what pregnancy symptoms vs. normal feelings. My last pregnancy I didn't really experience symptoms until a couple days before. So, it's really just that everyone is different. My first cycle I got a BFP I didn't even realize some of the things I was feeling were until after I saw the I'll be rooting for you this weekend though!
clementine / 957 posts
@loki: I'm 13DPO today and its the only day I've felt anything. Sorta like a twinge/pain on my right side, like O pain but lower. Other than that I have had absolutely no symptoms. I actually have felt like I have PMS (DH says so too...I must not have been very pleasant this weekend!). I took a test at 9DPO and it was a BFN. But I have 16 day LP so I'm not due to POAS until Thursday.
pear / 1787 posts
@Eko: so sorry about your losses. this is definitely your sticky baby, i can feel it!!!
@HappyBluebird: eee thursday is soon! good luck!
clementine / 957 posts
@loki: It is soon!! But it seems so far!! I like to wait until AF is late before I test for my own sanity but I'm not sure I can make it!
apricot / 306 posts
@travellingbee: Yeah.....trying not to put much stock in it either way. Last cycle I was SO excited because I had a big dip at 7 DPO, then a quick rise to the highest ever temp. I was sure it was an implantation dip followed by a triphasic rise! (Spoiler alert: it wasn't.)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@angelachase: thank you for saying that. That did happen with my BFP cycle (a dip and then triphasic), so I know if it happened again this time I would automatically think I was pregnant. But that's a good reality check for me!
apricot / 306 posts
@travellingbee: Not to discourage you or anything! I hope if you do see that pattern it's consistent with your first BFP! I'm just trying to get my expectations in check for myself personally, because I'm on cycle 4 now and the last BFN was especially disappointing because I got my hopes up so much. I can't keep torturing myself for two weeks of every month, ya know?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I just teared up at a professional development today when they were reading a picture book. Really?! Even if I was preggo, is it possible to already be emotional?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@travellingbee: My emotions are one of the first signs I'm pregnant, followed by a super sensitive nose and sore boobs.
But I wanted to cry at everything before I tested which kind of helped get my hopes up (I have pretty bad PMS though, so that's not uncommon before AF arrives either.)
apricot / 386 posts
I am so excited for everyone! Last month was such a great month for BFP's!
I am getting nervous and VERY excited about our IUI in the morning! Last month when we did the first one, I was only on 50mg of clomid and we didn't do an ultrasound, only OPK's, knowing I have 2 very good follicles and the trigger makes it seem so much more likely to end in a BFP! I can't wait!
clementine / 912 posts
Opk timing question - Ok so, my last cycle (which I was still breastfeeding during) lasted 39 days. Before LO, I was 29-30 days every month. On what cycle day should I start testing?
I'm CD7 and have an out of town wedding coming up this weekend which would be on CD11 and 12. No big deal, except we might be sharing a hotel room with my dad which kind of limits opk testing and definitely puts the possibility of BDing out of the question. We could potentially have our own room, but I'm not sure how hard to push for it.
apricot / 311 posts
ugh, i'm on CD22 and STILL haven't gotten a positive OPK. I was testing once a day from CD8-13, twice a day from 14-16 and three times a day from 16-22 (today) and still nothing even close to a positive. I've only had one cycle since being off BC that was 32 days so i should've in theory O'd around 18 or 19. This is frustrating.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@MissLace: @JennyG: I'm sorry about your long cycles ladies. I have no advice as I'm a short cycle girl.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@JennyG: I would think you would be ok to start testing after your trip, I doubt you will O that early if your last cycle was 39 days.
clementine / 957 posts
So I know its not officially August but yesterday something told me I had to test instead of waiting for AF to be late. I'm cautiously optimistic but I'm so excited!!
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