LO is currently battling a cold and I am absolutely petrified she is going to get the flu (i know a cold can't turn into the flu but I'm worried about her immune system being down at the moment because of this cold). She's 6 months old now so I know I could get her a flu shot but we're only going to be in the States for two more weeks before we head back to Australia, where it's summer and there is no flu outbreak. And since the shot takes about two weeks to become effective, there's really no point in taking her for it now.

I've had the flat shot, as has my mom (who we're staying with) but short of keeping her in a little bubble at home with me, what else can I do to make sure she doesn't get it? After seeing her with a cold (her first illness), I am absolutely petrified of her getting the flu!

What are you doing to protect your LOs from the flu?