I wasn't sure of tbe best catergory to post this, so im open to suggestions of other ones but in the meantime, I could use some encouragement.
We recently found out that the possibility of expanding our family isn’t looking promising. I have a low AMH (0.29) and a high FSH (14.9) and on CD1 ultrasound, we only saw 2 eggs
We have a beautiful daughter who was a miracle in itself but we desperately wanted one more (I m/c in Dec 2017).
I am going to do Clomid this cycle w/ timed intercourse before trying an IUI, but I'm pretty sure we are out.
How did you accept this? I’m tearful writing this b/c while I cant wait to watch my daughter grow, I’m not ready to let her.
Did you try infertility treatments? (IVF isn’t an option for us). Counseling? Just suck it up and move on?