I know for us it isn’t the right time yet. I think soon…maybe in a year or two, but just not now. DH is wanting to get a better job, we need him to especially for when I would be off for maternity leave. I also want to lose weight and focus on my health. Right now I’m 50-60 lbs away from my goal weight so I have a lot of work to do! That one is a very important one for me. For the best pregnancy I want to make sure I am living as healthy as can be. We would also like to pay off more loans. We have our mortgage, 50-60k in student loans, and a very small car loan left (less than 2k). We would love to pay off our car, and at least consolidate our student loans.

Other than that I would feel comfortable. We own a house, have the bedroom picked out already that we would want for the nursery! We have a ton of support from family and friends.

How did you know the time was right?