It's come to my attention that what we pay in rent is more than many people in our area pay for their mortgage. Kind of a bummer. I've been saying we're not ready to buy because I'm afraid of getting into a house & having something terrible happen & then not being able to afford to fix it. That & we need to work on building up our credit scores & DH needs to go back to school (part time while still working) to get another degree at some point. So I'm afraid of being stuck, if he lost his job or something happened, we could move now, but if we had to sell a house, that would be harder! Honestly we have very little savings right this second, but as circumstances change in the somewhat near future, it almost seems like a better idea to buy, but it's a scary thought!

How did you know you were ready to buy? Was there a dollar amount you had in mind you wanted to save first or a length of time you were with a job or a salary level? Did you look at the price point that was easier just to be safe or did you stretch it knowing that your family & salary will grow into it? What percent of your house cost did you put aside for house emergencies?